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Heresy Thursday: New Forge Breaker Model Announced!

Alright, fellow battle-hardened warriors of the Imperium, listen up! The Space Marine Legions are about to level up their game, and guess who’s leading the charge? That’s right – the Siege Breaker Consuls, masters of blowing stuff up with style and finesse!

This dude: clad in some seriously heavy-duty artificer armor, is like a walking tank himself, ready to take down buildings and armored vehicles like they’re made of cardboard. Armed with a thunder hammer and a bunch of phosphex bombs, he’s basically a walking demolition squad!

And get this – he’s not just brawn; this guy’s got brains too! With his encyclopedic knowledge of structural weaknesses and anti-tank tactics, he’s like the SWAT team of the Space Marines. Plus, his terminal probably has more data than your local library – holographic display and all!

This Forge World resin miniature is the epitome of cool, and with two head options, you can customize him to look even more badass. Stay tuned for when this demolitions expert hits the shelves – it’s gonna be explosive!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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