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Heresy Thursday: Meet the Hermes Light Sentinel

Alright, fellow gamers, hold on to your dice because we’ve got a new addition to the Sentinel family, and it’s a speed demon – the Hermes Light Sentinel! Picture this bad boy as the sports car of the Sentinels – sleek, fast, and ready to zoom across the battlefield like a caffeinated squig.

Now, it might seem like it’s missing a few armor panels, but that’s not a design flaw – it’s all about speed and maneuverability. This little speedster is your go-to for hitting enemy flanks and taking down isolated command units. It’s like the ninja of the Sentinel world, striking fast and disappearing before you know what hit you.

Equipped with a multi-laser for some serious anti-infantry action, this bad boy can also swap it out for a Hermes grenade launcher – a versatile choice that’s perfect for surprising armored tanks. Imagine darting around like a madman and hitting those tanks where it hurts – on their vulnerable sides and rears.

But wait, there’s more! For the elite Veletaris sections, we’ve got the Incursus pattern of the Hermes Light Sentinel. It’s a bit heavier and a tad slower, but it brings an even more fearsome arsenal to the table. Perfect for supporting frontal assaults and giving those Legiones Astartes units a run for their money.

And here’s the best part – the kit includes two models that you can assemble as either variant. Two for the price of one – it’s like a mini army on its own. Imagine having a squad of six, filling up your Fast Attack or Elites slot. That’s a whole lot of speed and firepower hitting your opponent.

Now, to get your hands on the rules for these bad boys, you’ll have to check out The Battle for Beta-Garmon, the upcoming campaign book. Get ready to unleash the Hermes Light Sentinel and show your opponents the true meaning of fast and furious on the battlefield!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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