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Deathwing Preview

Alright, fellow Space Marine enthusiasts, strap in because we’re diving deep into the tactical awesomeness of fielding a whole Dark Angels army decked out in Terminator armor! Gaming Presenter Nick dropped some serious wisdom after an epic Deathwing showdown on Warhammer+.

Terminators, my friends, are the epitome of cool. They’re massive, iconic, and in this edition, tougher than ever. Dark Angels take the cake when it comes to fielding entire armies of these living fortresses. Why? Let’s break it down:

  1. Painting Bliss: Forget about drowning in a sea of models. An all-Terminator army means fewer figures to paint. Nick’s 750-point force is just 16 models – easy peasy. Double it up, throw in a Land Raider, Dreadnought, and Librarian in Terminator Armor, and voila, you’ve got a 2,000-point force ready to rock.
  2. Tougher Than Nails: With Toughness 5, a 2+ save, a 4+ invulnerable save, and 3 wounds, Terminators are literal living fortresses. Try prying them off an objective – it’s like trying to move a mountain. And don’t even get me started on the Deathwing Knights; four wounds each and a damage-depleting Inner Circle rule? Good luck taking them down!
  3. Teleportation Shenanigans: Deep Strike, baby! Teleport into the action wherever you need them – disrupting enemy plans, securing objectives, and playing mind games. Dark Angels get the Deathwing Assault spice, letting Characters and their units Deep Strike on turn one for that sweet Alpha-strike action.
  4. Teleport Homers: Set up a Teleport Homer, and your opponents will be second-guessing their life choices. Sacrifice units to block it? It’s like playing chess with high-stakes teleportation. Distraction game on point.
  5. Dedicated Detachments: Use the 1st Company Taskforce or Inner Circle Taskforce for that all-Terminator goodness. Vowed Target and Deathwing rule obliterate enemies on objectives, making your opponents kiss those crucial points goodbye.
  6. Character Bonanza: Characters galore! With fewer units, most will have a Character. Librarian for Sustained Hits, Captain for Rites of Battle, and the must-have Belial for Deathwing forces – precision strikes to pick off pesky enemy Characters.

Nick even shared his Deathwing dream team based on two Deathwing Assault boxes with some extra goodies. Belial leading Deathwing Knights in a Land Raider, Librarian dropping in with firepower, and the Ballistus Dreadnought holding down the fort. It’s like a Terminator party on the battlefield!

So, if you’ve ever dreamed of commanding an army of walking tanks, Dark Angels and their Terminator-centric force are calling your name. Get those Terminators painted, and let the tactical mayhem begin!

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