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Dark Angels Month Continues with the Upcoming Lazarus Novel!

Hey, fellow lore enthusiasts! Brace yourselves because Master Lazarus is stepping into the literary limelight in his very own novel – “Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge” by the maestro Gary Kloster. The GW team had a chat with Gary to spill some secrets about our conflicted hero.

So, who’s Lazarus? He led the Dark Angels’ Fifth Company, kicked serious xenos butt, but what makes him stand out? Oh, he died a heroic death at Rimenok, fought off some Thousand Sons sorcery, martyred himself, and guess what? He came back, Primaris-style. But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows; the resurrection left him scarred, physically and mentally. Flawed heroes? Now, that’s the good stuff for a writer.

Gary spills the beans on why he’s drawn to the Dark Angels. These guys have seen it all, from forging the Imperium to battling inner demons. Their knight-meets-warrior-monk style screams epic, and let’s face it, they own the gothic medieval warrior aesthetic. Plus, those secrets and flaws? Absolute gold for a storyteller.

Now, let’s talk about Lazarus’ journey. Gary penned “The Buried Beast” to dive into Lazarus’ post-resurrection headspace. The dude didn’t sign up for this Primaris gig, but he found a new path, embracing the Chapter’s history. Walking the fine line between simplicity and fanaticism becomes his jam – talk about character evolution.

But how did writing “Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge” compare to Gary’s first Black Library novel, “The Last Volari”? It’s all about that weight of history, folks. Dark Angels’ rich lore provided a solid foundation, constraining in some ways but offering a rock-solid narrative structure.

Now, the juicy bits – combat sequences! Gary loves them, and who wouldn’t? Action-packed battles, described through the eyes of a Space Marine tactician like Lazarus? Sign me up! Oh, and there’s a mortal character too, giving us a unique perspective on 41st Millennium warfare. Talk about an exhilarating contrast!

“Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge” hits shelves next month, and if you’re as hyped as we are, keep those eager eyes on Warhammer Community for all the epic updates! It’s time to unravel the mysteries and dive deep into the conflicted soul of Master Lazarus.

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