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Everybody’s Favorite Shuttle is Now Bit-Sized

Alright, brace yourselves, Legions Imperialis enthusiasts! The Arvus Lighter is back in the spotlight, and this time, it’s not just one – it’s a whole squadron of eight in glorious plastic! I mean, who wouldn’t want an airborne armada of these bad boys?

Now, we tried to squeeze them into a regular box, but nope, these flyers are so awesome they needed their own special treatment. Flyers in Legions Imperialis are like the VIPs of the battlefield, zipping in from beyond the board edge to unleash havoc – and the Arvus Lighter? It’s like the rockstar of cargo delivery.

Sure, it might not be packing heat, but who needs that when it can drop elite Solar Auxilia units right into the action? It’s like Uber, but for dropping troops into hotzones. And don’t let its compact size fool you; this thing can still carry a solid pair of detachments. When you gather them into a squadron, you’ve got yourself a full-fledged assault force ready to rock the front lines. Plus, these sleek babies come with some surprisingly good armor – not your average runabout, that’s for sure.

Next Thursday, we’re diving deep into some top-secret weapon vaults, so mark your calendars. The Arvus Lighter squadron is here to make your Legions Imperialis battles an epic airborne spectacle. Who’s ready to rule the skies?

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