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Why You Shouldn’t Panic about the Non-Supported Old World Factions.

Hi All,
Several people have already started to panic about the latest news about the Old World factions. To be fair there are some real concerns here. The news came out that the unsupported factions won’t be receiving ongoing support, and won’t be considered legal at tournaments. However, this overlooks one important aspect: the community.

As someone who plays a Daemons, Skaven and Vampire Counts army I was disheartened to hear how little these armies will feature in the current iteration of the Old World. I think it is likely because GW wants to limit their exposure, and are worried about cannibalizing their sales. At the same time this opens up more opportunities for the community to fill the void left by GW, as they have been doing for years.

The Warhammer Fantasy community has played a crucial role in sustaining the legacy of this beloved tabletop wargame, particularly through initiatives like the 9th Age and the Warhammer Armies project. In the wake of Games Workshop discontinuing Warhammer Fantasy Battles, the community demonstrated remarkable resilience and dedication to keeping the game alive.

The 9th Age stands out as a community-driven project that emerged in response to the void left by Games Workshop’s decision to discontinue Warhammer Fantasy Battles. This collaborative effort brought together passionate players, hobbyists, and game designers from around the world to create a new system that preserved the essence of Warhammer Fantasy while introducing fresh ideas. The 9th Age project is characterized by its commitment to balance, fairness, and community engagement. The community’s involvement in playtesting, providing feedback, and contributing to the ongoing development of the game has been instrumental in refining and expanding the 9th Age.

The Warhammer Armies project is another testament to the community’s dedication to preserving the rich lore and diverse factions of Warhammer Fantasy. This initiative involves creating and updating army books for various factions, ensuring that players have access to comprehensive rules, unit profiles, and background information. The collaborative nature of the Warhammer Armies project allows the community to pool its collective creativity and knowledge, resulting in high-quality, fan-made content that breathes new life into the game.

The Horus Heresy already has this with the Panopticon community, which has provided modified rules that greatly improve the game. With this release we will need something similar for the Old World. Fortunately we have groups that can do it, and i look forward to seeing what they can come up with!

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