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The Old World – GW Embraces Unit Fillers

Alright, fellow generals, get ready to level up your Warhammer: The Old World armies with some cool unit fillers! We’re talking about those awesome diorama-like additions that not only beef up your troop count but also make your units stand out on the battlefield. Pete the Wargamer, a seasoned YouTuber, took on the challenge and shared his fantastic project with the GW Community team.

For the Tomb Kings, Pete went all in with the mystical vibes. A crumbling obelisk resurrected, sending out energy to reanimate the buried dead. He cleverly used parts from the Ossiarch Bonereapers Bone-tithe Nexus, giving that ancient and eerie Tomb Kings feel. Floating rocks and swirling energy streams from the Spirit Hosts kit completed the spooky ensemble. It’s like a mini-movie scene in the middle of your unit!

Now, for the Bretonnians, Pete took a different route. Since Bretonnian infantry is mostly made up of peasants, a floating obelisk wouldn’t fit the vibe. So, what did he do? He built a cart! Yep, a humble cart made from Skaven Plague Furnace leftovers. Loaded with chests, shields, and all sorts of equipment, this cart brings a touch of practicality and simplicity to the Bretonnian forces. It’s like they brought their supplies to the medieval party.

Both mini-dioramas were expertly mounted on 75x50mm bases, ready to replace the central six miniatures in a unit of 20. And let’s not forget the paint job – matching the theme and vibe of their respective armies, these fillers seamlessly blend into the ranks.

Whether you’re a seasoned converter or a bit hesitant about modding your minis, unit fillers are a game-changer. Pete’s project is proof that with a handful of spare bits and a dash of creativity, you can make your Old World army uniquely yours. So, what are your plans for unit fillers? Share your creativity on Facebook and Twitter, and don’t forget to check out Pete’s YouTube channel and Instagram for more hobby inspiration. Happy converting!

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