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Quick Predicts: What is coming for Age of Sigmar in 2024?

Hi all,
After our guesses at the 40k video yesterday it’s time to do the same with the new AoS video!

This screams Cities of SIgmar to me, likely some new hero unit, but it could be Warcry too!

This is tougher, that looks like a lantern which is very Deepkin-y but it may also be a human of some sort.

This looks a lot like a new lumineth of some sort, especially those shoes, maybe a new temple unit?

Hey this is easier, almost 100% this is a new Nighthaunt unit, maybe a new Carin Wraith?

Fairly certain this is a new marauder kit for the Darkoath Barbarians!

What do you think? Am I missing anything? Have other ideas? Let me know in the comments!

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