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Heresy Thursday: Bow Before the Dark Emissary!

Hold onto your bolters, fellow gamers, because Horus Lupercal’s got a new ace up his power-armored sleeve – the Dark Emissary! Consider this: you’re leading a galaxy-wide insurrection, and thus you need eyes and ears everywhere to keep your allies and servants in check. Enter the Dark Emissary, the specialized Consuls that Horus himself handpicked to be his loyal watchdogs and ambassadors across the stars.

Now, these ain’t your regular Space Marine grunts. These are the cream of the crop, the paragons of skill and martial prowess that set the standard for every member of the Legion. If you’re not living up to the Warmaster’s expectations, or worse, entertaining seditious thoughts, you might just find yourself on the wrong end of a Dark Emissary’s Staff of Dark Authority.

Crafted in glorious Forge World resin, this miniature isn’t just a symbol of status; it’s a symbol of impending doom for those who cross the line. The Murderous Strike (6+) special rule means this emissary doesn’t just talk the talk; he can walk the walk, especially when the Warmaster’s word is the final say.

Decked out in Legion symbols, including the all-seeing Eye of Horus, this merciless enforcer means business. Whether you’re a Traitor Auxilia, a Fallen Noble, or even one of Horus’s own Sons, this sentinel is here to make sure you toe the line.

Get ready to pre-order this embodiment of loyalty and fear – the Dark Emissary is coming, and he’s not here to make friends. It’s all about ensuring that the Warmaster’s rebellion runs as smooth as a well-oiled chainsword.

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