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Flesh Eater Courts Lore Update

Alright, buckle up, Age of Sigmar aficionados! The Flesh-eater Courts are back, and we’re diving deep into the royal gossip shared by the brilliant Jordan, a Flesh-eater scholar and AoS background writer. Trust me; this is the lore you’ve been craving.

So, in the Era of the Beast, when Nagash took a nosedive and Alarielle’s life vibes surged, most undead were left dizzy, but not the Flesh-Eaters. Their not-truly-dead serfs loved Ghyran’s magics, and with the Era of the Beast fueling their frenzy, they’re on a royal offensive. The Carrion King, Ushoran, is back in action, orchestrating the War of Red Errantry against the darkness. Who can blame them if the ones they save end up looking snack-worthy?

Now, let’s talk madness – how does it spread among these deluded gourmets? Ushoran, the ultimate font of madness, radiates magical insanity, and the Abhorrants enforce it just by being there. But to join the ghoul party, you need a sip of tainted blood or a relic from the Carrion King. Watch out for Marrowscroll Heralds – they’ve got missives straight from Ushoran’s osseous throne!

And our once-mad-monster, Ushoran, is now back in Nagash’s good books, thanks to a nifty necromantic barricade. Is he loyal? Well, his madness keeps him in check – but trust me, he’s completely bonkers.

Now, onto juicy relationships! Ushoran and Neferata? Not BFFs. Ushoran, one of the original vampiric Mortarchs, and Neferata, the queen of control, never hit it off. Still, Ushoran’s unorthodox strategies are handy, even if his table manners are… lacking.

Lastly, let’s peek into the ghoul-narratives – knights in shining armor with a side of gruesome reality. Gristlegore pacifists riding nightmare beasts, Peregrin chasing a non-existent warlock, and Varshorn, the Hyshian rebel, wreaking havoc. Oh, and naming these characters? It’s a gory taste for mashing grisly elements, turning Livbelcé into Lord Liverbelch and Crakmarrow into Duke Krakmarra.

Jordan’s insights are both fascinating and a tad terrifying, right? Dive into the Carrion Kingdoms in Battletome: Flesh Eater Courts, pre-ordering with the Flesh-eater Courts Army Set. Let the royal feasts (and feasts of horror) begin!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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