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Heresy Thursday – Thousand Sons Librarian Revealed

Alright, fellow battle strategists, buckle up because the Horus Heresy saga just got a touch more psychic and a lot more Thousand Sons-flavored. You know, that whole “no psychic powers” thing in the Edict of Nikaea didn’t stop the Space Marines during the Horus Heresy, and the White Scars were just casually summoning storms left and right. But, hold on to your power armor, because the Thousand Sons are getting their very own Librarian Consul, and he’s bringing some serious arcane vibes.

Picture this: ornate armor reflecting the Prospero heritage – we’re talking winged scarabs, swirly trim, and parchments fluttering like bookmarks in a breeze. This Librarian Consul is like a walking Prosperine art exhibit, and he’s a master of the psychic arts. Need to immolate enemies with a mere thought? Check. Want to mess with the fabric of time and flip destiny the bird? Double-check.

Armed with a force staff that’s basically a blade orchestra ready to perform some gruesome symphony, this guy is not just a mental juggernaut; he’s a seasoned combatant in the physical realm. When conservative Legions are out there trying to shut down psychic shenanigans, this Librarian Consul is throwing down, staff and all.

And guess what? Forge World resin is bringing this psychic powerhouse to life, complete with the tough choice of a bare or helmeted head. Limited psychic abilities here, but I’m foreseeing a pre-order opportunity coming your way real soon. So, get those warp-attuned senses tingling – the Thousand Sons are about to bring some serious psychic flair to the Horus Heresy battlefield!

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