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Pariah Nexus – Narrative Preview

Alright, fellow gamers, strap in because we’re diving into the Pariah Nexus, and it’s a wild ride in the 41st Millennium. Picture this: a psychic deadzone, courtesy of the Necrons – they’ve constructed this anomaly that’s like a party for them but a headache for everyone else. It’s like a space bubble where the warp just takes a vacation.

So, Battle Group Kallides, thinking they’re the cool kids, decided to check out this Silent Zone. But, surprise, surprise – the Necrons weren’t exactly throwing a welcome party. Nope, they were more into ambushing and custodian duty. Imperial Fists got stuck, couldn’t warp out, and now they’re playing the “Help! We’re stuck!” card.

But, hold on, reinforcements are on the way! Battlegroup Hephaestus, led by the one and only Archmagos Belisarius Cawl – the guy with a to-do list longer than a Black Templar sermon. See, Cawl’s got plans, big ones. He’s eyeing that blackstone like it’s the latest tech gadget. Why? Because he thinks his new liminal abraisers can give the warp a makeover, sort of like a cosmic makeover, you know?

Here’s the plot twist – while Cawl is busy dreaming about warp renovations, the Necrons are having a family feud. It’s like a civil war between those loyal to the Silent King and those vibing with Imotekh the Stormlord. And let me tell you, Imotekh has declared independence from the Silent King’s rule.

Now, with both sides distracted by their own undead drama, Cawl and his gang of Tech-Priests are ready for a rumble. These guys aren’t just tech nerds; they’re smuggling reality-twisting super weapons like they’re at a black-market bazaar. It’s like Cawl’s private arsenal is the rockstar of apocalypse-level armaments.

Want to know what happens when ancient kings are throwing shade and Tech-Priests are pulling out reality-bending gadgets from their robes? Well, you gotta get your hands on Crusade: Pariah Nexus next year. Meanwhile, Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus is up for pre-order this weekend, so you can start rallying your robot army because, trust me, you’re gonna need it in this Pariah Nexus party.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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