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Necron Codex Preview – Crusade Rules!

Alright, fellow Necron enthusiasts, it’s time to wake up those tomb worlds and let the metallic mayhem begin with the new Codex: Necrons in Crusade mode. Think of it as giving your robotic buddies a spa day after countless millennia of slumber – a little rejuvenation, a bit of XP, and maybe some buffed-up wargear.

So, awakening your planet-sized coffin isn’t a cakewalk; it’s a meticulous process. Crypteks are like the intergalactic janitors overseeing this wake-up party. You’ve got three primary Systems – Command, Reanimation, and Translocation – and 3 Awakening points to distribute. Each point goes to a System when you complete its Awakening Agenda, and trust me, it’s like leveling up your game.

For example, the Reanimation System has this cool agenda called Immortal Servitude – XP for your Warlord and a shot at an Awakening point when your army decides to fix itself with Reanimation Protocols. Allocate those Awakening points wisely because they activate System bonuses, like Resurrection Flux, which makes your units tougher when they’re below half-strength.

Now, the real fun begins when you’ve spent all your points. You unlock Master System abilities, like the Contra-Mortis Protocol for Reanimation. It’s like giving your army a shot of adrenaline, doubling up on Reanimation Protocols or adding +1 to the roll across your whole army. But here’s the catch – it resets your Systems, and you need to complete more agendas to power them up again. It’s a bit like a power nap – quick and effective, but you’ll need more.

And hey, your tomb world’s like a treasure chest – awakening reveals access codes for dynastic vaults, and voila, you get Crusade Relics. The Orb of Eternity is like the holy grail, making your units regenerate a whopping 3 wounds each time Reanimation Protocols kick in. Perfect for flexing those newly awakened Reanimation Systems.

But wait, there’s more! Unique agendas, requisitions to mess with your tomb world, battle traits, scars for battle-hardened units, and badges for your dynastic achievements. It’s like a Necron buffet – pick and choose what suits your metallic taste.

So, gear up, fellow Overlords, because the Crusade: Necrons edition is about to turn your rusty warriors into a force to be reckoned with. It’s not just a wake-up call; it’s a metallic revolution.

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