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Necron Codex Preview – Detachments!

Alright, Necron overlords and warriors, buckle up because the living metal legions are about to drop some serious knowledge in Codex: Necrons! These guys are waking up, and they’re not here to play nice with the Adeptus Mechanicus – it’s all about showing these crude humans how it’s done.

Now, check this out – the Hypercrypt Legion is all about Hyperphasing. Walking? That’s for squares! These mechanical warriors are slipping between space-time like it’s a Sunday stroll. They phase out at the end of your opponent’s turn and bam, right back in your Movement Phase. It’s like they’re playing hide and seek with plasma rifles.

And if you thought Deep Striking was cool, wait till you hear this – Ophydians and Deathmarks can ignore battlefield edges. Picture this: dropping an Overlord and a bunch of Lychguard right next to the enemy Warlord on turn 2. It’s not just diabolical; it’s downright hilarious.

Now, the Monolith – it’s not just a cool-looking pyramid. It’s a portal for Reserve units to make a grand entrance precisely where you need them. The Hypercrypt Legion masters this, giving close combat specialists a chance to charge right after arriving. Imagine the look on your opponent’s face when your Destroyer Cult lands within 2 inches of their prized unit. Tactical finesse at its finest.

But hey, we can’t forget the Annihilation Legion. These guys are all about wreaking havoc, and they do it with style. The Annihilation Protocol kicks in, and DESTROYER CULT units go on a relentless killing spree. Blood-fueled Cruelty ensures no one escapes their blade-tipped grasp, and Murderous Reanimation stitches wounds and fallen warriors back together. It’s like a metal-fueled horror movie.

And if that’s not enough, new Necron miniatures are dropping – Imotekh and Orikan are back with a fresh look, and there’s a translocating Overlord joining the party. It’s like the Necrons just got a serious upgrade, and they’re ready to dominate the tabletop.

So, grab your gauss flayers, strategize with your Crypteks, and get ready for the Necron invasion. Codex: Necrons is hitting pre-order, and it’s about to redefine how you roll those dice in the 41st Millennium!

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