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New Translucent Minis for Middle Earth!

Hey there, Middle-earth enthusiasts! Get ready for some ghostly action because the Warriors of the Dead from the Lord of the Rings Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game are back, and this time they’ve got a spectral makeover! Picture this: the cursed men of the White Mountains, doomed to wander the caverns beneath Dwimorberg for all eternity, finally getting a chance to break free of their curse.

Aragorn, that smooth talker, convinced the King of the Dead to lead the Dead Men of Dunharrow into battle at Pelennor Fields. And now, these spectral warriors are hitting the tabletop with a stunning translucent blue tint. It’s like they’ve just walked out of the shadows, ready to unleash some serious spectral fury.

But hold on, this isn’t the first rodeo for clear plastic in Middle-earth. Remember the five ringbearers, Isildur, Gollum, Young Bilbo, Old Bilbo, and Frodo? Yeah, they’ve already embraced the see-through vibe. Exclusive stuff, you know, available only from Warhammer World.

Now, back to the Warriors of the Dead – that eerie green color is practically begging for some drybrushing magic. Imagine those ghostly figures popping out with dusty whites and rusty metals. It’s like an Army of the Dead fashion show, and you’re the stylist.

And there’s more, my Middle-earth comrades! Brace yourselves for the Ruins of the City of Gondor terrain set. It’s got everything – the Gondor Mansion, Ruins, and Tower kits all packed into one epic box. The Armies of the Dead are going to have a blast battling across the ruins of Osgiliath.

Exciting times are ahead, so keep your eyes on the horizon. The Armies of the Dead are hitting pre-order soon, and Osgiliath is gearing up for next year. Stay tuned to Warhammer Community for the freshest updates from the heart of Middle-earth. It’s about to get legendary!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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