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World Championship Previews – Asmodai and 40k Roadmap Update!

Alright, fellow gamers, brace yourselves for the return of the Dark Angels’ nightmare-inducing enforcer – Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai! This guy is the Master of Repentance, and trust me, you don’t want to be on his bad side.

Asmodai is packing some serious heat with the sword Catechist and the crozius Censure. He hits the battlefield like a hurricane, rallying his crew with shouts of pure hatred and singling out enemy leaders for a little chat – and by chat, I mean intense questioning.

But that’s not all, my friends! Asmodai comes with options, because why not? Choose between hooded or haloed heads, and toss in a backpack that’s practically a smoke machine for that extra dramatic entrance.

And get this, Asmodai is dropping into action with the upcoming Codex: Dark Angels. The hype is real, and the Dark Angels are back in business. Keep an eye out for the Codex updates – Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus are peeking over the horizon, and there’s a distant Waaagh! signaling the Orks are on the way.

So, which Codex are you itching for the most? While you ponder that, hit up the World Championships Preview hub and catch all the gaming goodness we’re dishing out today!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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