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Heresy Thursday: The Dracosan Transport

lright, fellow commanders, let’s talk heavy metal – Solar Auxilia style! In the brutal chaos of the Great Crusade, it wasn’t just about the big tanks; it was about the troops – the boots on the ground. And guess what? The Solar Auxilia rolled into the meat-grinder of battle with some serious transport mojo – enter the Dracosan Transport!

Picture this: a massive armored beast, the Dracosan, rumbles to the frontline like a metal colossus. It’s not just a ride; it’s a tactical masterpiece. Elite infantry pours out, ready to unleash havoc, and the Dracosan stands tall with its twin lascannons, ready to pick off enemy armor like a pro sniper.

But hold on, there’s more! This beast can flex its muscles even more by sacrificing some space to carry a demolisher cannon. Imagine the scene – this juggernaut smashing through fortifications, obliterating anything in its path with high-explosive shells. Talk about firepower!

And guess what, hobbyists? You don’t get just one; you get a whole squadron! Six Dracosans in a box – that’s like your own armored motorcade ready to deploy up to 24 Solar Auxilia models straight into the heart of the action.

Mark your calendars because you can pre-order these bad boys, along with other Solar Auxilia units, starting this Saturday. And the excitement doesn’t stop there; more miniatures are on the horizon. Keep your eyes peeled on Warhammer Community for all the juicy details. It’s time to roll out in style!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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