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Grand Alliance Death Finally Gets Legal representation!

Step right into the hallowed halls of justice, my gaming comrades! The regal Sumeros Summerking demands more than just whimsical justice – we’re talking about a full-blown legal system, and at the helm is none other than the eminent Grand Justice Gormayne.

Picture this: a land of grandeur and progress, guarded by noble sentinels known as Gorewardens. But justice can’t be left to the whims of feuding aristocrats. No, no! Grand Justice Gormayne takes center stage, ensuring that the kingdom thrives on civility, reason, and decency. It’s not just about laws; it’s about upholding the very spirit of the nation.

Gormayne isn’t your average judge; he’s a scholar, fluent in ancient tongues and the keeper of a vast library of jurisprudence. And when he’s not immersed in books, he’s a charismatic orator, delivering stern proclamations that resonate across the kingdom. Think of him as the wise old wizard of justice, but with a gavel instead of a staff.

Now, there are whispers about Gormayne’s fitness and sanity. Tales of sudden revulsion at royal banquets and brooding silences during trials circulate like wildfire. But fear not, these are likely just rumors spread by those who seek to challenge the kingdom’s order.

In the grand halls of New Summercourt and even on the battlefield, Gormayne stands firm, ensuring that transgressors face the consequences. Those who question him? Well, they find themselves facing a withering oration and the scrutiny of hand-picked jurors. It’s justice, Warhammer style!

So, my friends, worry not about legalistic minutiae. You’re not a trespasser; you’re an honored guest. The grand feast draws near, and you’re about to witness the World Championships of Warhammer Preview – a spectacle that’ll make you feel like a noble lord of the court

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