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New Flesh-Eater Courts Model Unveiled! Meet the Gorewarden!

Alright, fellow gamers, gather ’round for another exciting tidbit from the world of Warhammer! The Mortal Realms are in turmoil, and it’s the Summerking’s duty to defend his realm from all sorts of nasty invaders. But he can’t do it alone, oh no!

Enter the Abhorrant Gorewardens, the mighty and chivalrous champions bestowed with the honor of protecting the realm’s borders and citizens. These guys are the real deal, stationed at strategic strongholds all across the lands, ready to fend off any barbarians trying to mess with their turf.

Now, to make things official, these Gorewardens have these cool symbolic rings of keys, representing their authority over the kingdom’s gates. And let’s not forget the fashion statement – magnificent ruffs that make them look like sunbursts, marking them as the chosen defenders of the Summerking.

Sure, some folks think they’re a tad too obsessed with their duty, maybe even a bit territorial. But hey, they’re just doing their job and protecting their lord’s kingdom, so who can blame them?

When trouble strikes, they rally their trusty bannermen and go after trespassers, poachers, and anyone who dares scout their lands without permission. They’re like a force of nature, swooping down on their targets with the precision of a hawk.

But fear not, dear friend, you’re invited to the grand feast of Warhammer lore. Stick around, and we’ll introduce you to more of these esteemed members of the royal court. It’s going to be epic!

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