Hey there, fellow Warhammer fans! Get ready for some exciting news because the Cities of Sigmar are back and they’re ready to reclaim the Mortal Realms! It’s all part of the Dawnbringer Crusades, and the Twin-Tailed Crusade from Hammerhal is leading the charge.
First up, we’ve got the Battletome: Cities of Sigmar. This thing is your ultimate guide to everything Cities of Sigmar. You get the history, painting tips, stunning miniatures gallery, and all the rules you need to play. We’re talking 50 warscrolls, Pitched Battle Profiles, and some cool tokens to boot. And for the die-hard fans, there’s a limited edition with all the fancy stuff like a red ribbon marker and gold gilt page edges. It’s like the collector’s edition of your favorite game!

Now, let’s meet the heroes that will lead the charge. We’ve got Tahlia Vedra, the Lioness of The Parch. She’s a skilled mercenary with a manticore called Infernadine. This lady knows how to inspire her troops!

Then there’s Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of The Great Wheel. She’s all about faith and carries herself on a sacred palanquin. Her battlefield sermons will get you pumped!

The Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal is the ultimate motivator. They can rally even the weariest soldiers to action. You’ll see them accompanying the Freeguild Cavaliers on the front lines. They’re the real logistics champs of the Dawnbringer Crusades.

And, of course, the Freeguild Marshal & Relic Envoy. These folks are both strategists and fighters. They’ll send orders down the line of battle through their Relic Envoys. Plus, they’ve got a ton of customizable options, so you can make them your own.

But wait, there’s more! The Freeguild Command Corps is all about delegation. These guys have their own specializations, and they’re led by a powerful Arch-Knight. There’s a flag-waving Great Herald, a Whisperblade, a War Surgeon, a Soul Shepherd, and their loyal Mascot Gargoylian. Talk about a diverse team!

The Alchemite Warforger might not have super fancy gear, but they can work magic with humble weapons. They infuse regular swords and axes with Chamonic energy, making them blazing weapons. That’s right, they make do with what they’ve got!

We’ve also got Fusil-Majors riding atop Ogor Warhulks. Massive, heavily armored dudes perched on these lumbering brutes. The Fusil-Major, a sharpshooting expert, takes out enemy targets with precision, while the Ogor Warhulk acts like a walking tank, wielding a massive shield and a club that’s about as big as your gaming table. These are the guys you want defending your flank – they’re like the “tanks” of your army.

Now, let’s talk about the Freeguild Cavaliers. These guys aren’t born with silver spoons in their mouths. Nope, they earn their place on the battlefield through grit, determination, and a bunch of battles. These mounted warriors are decked out in some seriously fine gear – stuff they’ve either earned the hard way or grabbed from the ruins of their ancestral homes. Plus, this kit is super versatile, so you can create a bunch of unique knights that fit your style.

But wait, there’s more firepower on the way with the Freeguild Fusiliers. These are your “shooty” troops. In a world full of horrifying creatures, these guys pack the punch. Concentrated volleys of fire, heavy pavises for protection – it’s all about shooting first and asking questions later. Plus, if someone has the guts to charge at them, they just reload and unleash another salvo. It’s like a medieval firing squad, but with a touch of Sigmar.

And finally, the trusty Freeguild Steelhelms. These are the unsung heroes who make up the defensive line of the Castelite formation. Armed with discipline, determination, and a strong dose of faith in Sigmar, they stand toe-to-toe with orruks, gibbering daemons, and undead monstrosities. They’re the guys who hold the line and keep the chaos at bay. In gamer terms, they’re your reliable “meat shields” who won’t back down from a fight.

Now, for the heavy artillery – the Ironweld Great Cannon. It’s the gatekeeper of the Castelite formation and packs a serious punch. These guys fire cannonballs, shells, and grapeshot, and they don’t stop until the battlefield is clear. They’re like the bouncers of the Mortal Realms!

And finally, let’s dive into Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt. This is where the action is, folks! The Twin-Tailed Crusade is on the move, facing off against grots, troggoths, and even the Sons of Behemat. It’s an epic narrative, and it’s bringing new Armies of Renown and the second part of the Cities of Sigmar Path to Glory campaign. There’s branching paths, boons, and setbacks – it’s like a choose-your-own-adventure book, Warhammer style!

But that’s not all. There’s the limited edition of The Long Hunt with a soft-touch full cover, gold foil lettering, and more. And if you’re into the Blacktalon crew, you can grab Neave Blacktalon and her elite warriors in a set of characterful miniatures. Special operatives for the win!

The Warden of Lost Souls, Ionus Cryptborn, is back in a powerful new form, leading the way with a Stormdrake Guard. They’re here to call down the storm and keep the skies clear of enemies. It’s like having your own weather wizard!

But that’s not all. We’ve got the Blades of Belthanos, the Grimhold Exile, and Harbingers of Decay. These guys bring their unique flavor to the table – from fiery weapons to riding withered steeds and spreading the plague. Nurgle’s pestilent power has never been so stylish.

So, Warhammer enthusiasts, there’s a lot of epic stuff to look forward to. Get ready to dive into the Mortal Realms with the Cities of Sigmar and the Twin-Tailed Crusade. It’s gonna be one heck of a ride!
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