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Warhammer Day: Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth Preview

All right, folks, the Twin-tailed Crusade is still trucking along in Dawnbringers Book III – The Long Hunt, and things are heating up! In the Scabrous Sprawl, the Ghyranite part of the crusade has a little tangle with the ravenous servants of the Gulping God. Yep, you guessed it, the Ogor Gorgers are on the scene, and they’ve got the crusaders cornered.

But hold up, the trees part, and here comes a Sylvaneth champ, ready to flip the script. Meet Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth! He’s got a big gig – it’s his job to keep Kurnoth, the Sylvaneth God of the Hunt, in tip-top shape. If this eternal hunt ever stops, the godhood goes “poof” forever.

Now, Belthanos is no slouch; he’s at the front of the Evergreen Hunt, tooting his warhorn while riding his Carnelian Greatspite. But this isn’t just any old critter – this Greatspite is a walking, talking embodiment of life magic, rushing Belthanos to his prey with style and precision.

Belthanos is like the king of tree warfare, bossing around Kurnoth Hunters like a pro. Once this hunt locks onto a target, nothing’s getting away – Sylvaneth magic pumps in their veins, and it’s game over.

Now, you can read all about Belthanos’s adventures in Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt. But the big news is he’s coming to life in the Blades of Belthanos box set, which includes him, three Kurnoth Hunters, and three Revenant Seekers (or you can build ’em as Spiterider Lancers).

This box is like the heart and soul of a new army called the Evergreen Hunt Army of Renown. These aren’t your typical hit-and-run Sylvaneth; they’re all about getting stronger as they chase down their prey. And guess what? You can even mix ’em in with a regular Sylvaneth crew.

The fun’s not over yet, folks. Head back to the hub to catch all the rest of the Warhammer Day 2023 reveals. Happy hunting!

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