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Expectations for the 10/14 Old World Preview

With the latest hype image for the Old World being released it’s time to start predicting again! While I have, failed to accurately predict what we will get from GW for the last two previews, this one feels a bit different.

First of all this new model looks great! It is interesting that GW is focusing on building new BSB models for the Brets, though this does make sense given their reliance on them in editions past. I am guessing foot knights will be a bigger part of Bretonnian armies, and I am curious how they will square this with the old lore.

As for new reveals, my heart tells me we will get the reveals for the Bretonnian release box. Since the last Nova reveal, we have heard more rumors that may clarify the planned schedule. The first is that GW will be releasing army boxes with many old sculpts included. This will save them money as they dip their toe back in. Secondly, we have seen leaked photos of the new Pegasus model, this will probably be in the box as it is plastic and not resin. GW usually does a reveal after something like this, and packaging it with older models (I am assuming the Peg hero will be the only new sculpt) makes a lot of sense.

We are also hearing rumors of a Christmas launch date for the first Old World boxes which does fit this timing. However, I am skeptical after a few bad guesses. Thus I will make my guess more general. I think we will see a partial or complete reveal of the new Bretonnian box here. I wouldn’t be surprised if we did not get a launch date. I am curious how the delay of Legion Imperials fits in here. It may cause knock-on delays for other lines as well.

What do you all think? Will this be a snooze fest? Or the breakthrough fantasy players have been dying for?

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