Mantic has announced a slate of new preorders, as well as offering some minis through the webstore, separate from their army boxes. Let’s check them out!
First up is Clash of Kings 2024, a new supplement for Kings of War. You would be forgiven for thinking that this book is similar to the old Warhammer Annual. However, where that book was a collection of FAQ and errata, this is much more. Clash of Kings 2024 contains updates for the core rules, as well as balance updates for existing armies. It also has a complete army list and background for a whole reworked and reimagined faction: The Twilight Kin. Lastly, it also has new scenarios, so, you know, a bit more than Warhammer Annual.

Next up is a bunch of sci-fi terrain! There are craters of all shapes and sizes, non-descript sci-fi ruins, Gothic sci-fi ruins, alien forests and jungles. Perhaps the best part is that they are broken up and combined in a wide variety of permutations at different price points to allow you to find the perfect set.
Last but not least, three character models are being broken out of their boxed sets and added to Mantic Direct (their webstore) for individual purchase. The characters are and Ogre Warlord and two mounted characters fo the Empire of Dust. They are a Cursed High Priest and a Standard Bearer.
And that does it for this round of preorders! Will you be picking any of these items up? Let us know in the comments!
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!