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GW 9/6 – Previews: Warhammer Underworlds and Warcry tidal wave!

Hey, fellow tabletop warriors! Get ready to dive into the Warhammer universe because next week’s pre-orders are a real treat for those of us who love to pit fierce warriors against each other in epic skirmishes. There’s a smorgasbord of new Warhammer Underworlds and Warcry releases, and they’re bringing the heat to your tabletop battles in the Mortal Realms.

Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge

The Deathgorge is a frigid maze of tunnels and caves, hiding countless treasures and the souls of unlucky adventurers. But where there’s treasure and souls, you can bet the Idoneth Deepkin and Slaanesh’s daemons are throwing down. In the frosty depths of the Deathgorge, it’s a showdown between Cyreni’s Razors and the Thricefold Discord over these ice-crusted goodies. The new core set for Warhammer Underworlds comes with two new warbands, two Rivals decks, universal Rivals decks, and everything you need to dive into the ultimate competitive miniatures game. Get ready to clash with style!

Warcry: Hunter and Hunted

Venture into the Gnarlwood, where hunger reigns supreme. The Mawpits and the ravenous Ogor Gorgers are ready to feast on some fresh meat, and the Wildercorps Hunters are hot on their scent. They’ve got their loyal Trailhounds by their side, but they’re basically appetizers for the Gorgers. It’s a battle of survival in this new Warcry set, featuring two warbands and an eternally hungry Mawpit. Will you outwit the horrors and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat?

Warcry: Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz

The Gnarlwood is no picnic; it’s a hunting ground for the Kruleboyz. These Monsta-killaz are on a mission to capture savage beasties to stock the Beast-breaka tribes’ stables. They’ve got Gnarlwood Howlaz as their hunting buddies and sneaky Klutcha-grots to steal the loot. It’s a wild game of cat and mouse in the heart of the jungle. Are you ready to join the hunt?

Warcry: Vulkyn Flameseekers

Let’s talk about the Ur-Salamander Vulcatrix, the godbeast that took down Grimnir. Some folks worship this fiery powerhouse and dedicate their lives to hunting Magmadroth eggs and safeguarding the sacred flames. Armed with war picks and polearms, they raise and protect Kyndledroths, all while keeping an eye out for unstable ‘droths. It’s a fiery devotion, and they’re not messing around.

Ravaged Lands: Scales of Talaxis

The Eye of Chotec’s ruins are scattered throughout the Gnarlwood, a haunting reminder of past catastrophes. These ruins still crackle with cosmic energy, ready for fighters to leap off dramatically and stab unsuspecting foes. This set is perfect for building a new Warcry battlefield or expanding your Gnarlwood Watchcamp. You’ll get ruined stonework, strangling briars, a double-sided gaming board, terrain cards for layout planning, and a Warcry token sheet. It’s a one-way ticket to epic battles in the Mortal Realms!

So, gear up, paint your minis, and prepare for epic battles because the next wave of Warhammer awesomeness is almost here. It’s time to conquer the tabletop, gamers!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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