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Star Wars: Legion Ministravaganza Reveals

Another Ministravaganza is in the books and there was a TON of Legion reveals! Let’s get into it.

Ministravaganza is AMG’s yearly event where, among hobbying clinics, rules discussions and (historically) gaming sessions, they review the roadmaps for their most popular titles. Star Wars: Legion got a lot of love, including some non-mini reveals that were already made available. Let’s take a look at those first:

New Battle Forces

The two Battle Forces revealed were both centered around the battle for Kashyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, that was briefly shown in Episode III. Following in the vein of Tempest Force, released a couple months ago, these Battle Forces are not part of a mini release. Rather, they are available online, for free, and come with new unit cards for existing minis which change how they play.

The first is Wookiee Defenders. That’s right, you can now build and all-Wookiee battle force, if you so desire! Technically, this Battle Force is part of the Galactic Republic and can take plenty of clone trooper options, but that just seems like a waste, right? Also, the Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft has received a boost for this list only, giving it variable speed (Attack Run) and Reposition, making is incredibly maneuverable, and thus, incredibly dangerous.

The opposing Battle Force is Experimental Droids, which comes with some special rules and two “unique “special issue” unit cards. The units have been tweaked quite a bit from their standard versions. The NR-N99 Tank has received Command Node and Arsenal 3 (up from 2), and lost Hit, Critical 1 on the Range 4 gun, and Impact 1 on the Ion Cannon, as well as Transport: Open, all for no change in cost. The IG-100 MagnaGuard have lost a point of health, two slots, Retinue, Guardian, and Surge: Hit, taken a weapon debuff, but gained a model and are 12 points cheaper. Oh, and they count as Corps troopers for rank requirements.

Star Wars: Legion Roadmap

Now we get into the new mini releases coming down the pipe. First up, reinforcements for the Separatists: Geonosian Warriors (Corps Unit, Available Q1 2024)

Poggle The Lesser and Sun Fac (Commander and Operative Unit, Available Q1 2024)

Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister (Operatives, Available Q2 2024)

Republic Clone Commandos and Delta Squad (Available mid-2024)

Imperial Range Troopers (Available Mid-2024)

LM-432 Crab Droid

Rebel Saboteurs

Resculpts of Classic Minis in Hard Plastic (coming 2025)

This one I find particularly exciting. Those of us who bought the original boxed set or anything before the Clone Wars core set got minis made in soft plastic, which is easier to assemble, taking fewer steps, but has less detail than hard plastic. AMG made the switch over to hard plastic for Clone Wars and basically never looked back. Now, the original units are getting resculpted and printed in hard plastic, a welcome addition to the fold!

What do you think of the new Battle Forces and the upcoming roadmap for Legion? Let us know in the comments!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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