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Charge into Battle with Ironjawz Maw-gruntas: A Free Battletome Supplement

The Ironjawz, known for their straightforward yet brutally effective approach to warfare, are a relentless force on the battlefield. Now, you can embrace their savage tactics with a free Battletome Supplement download.

In the wild frenzy of a Waaagh!, Ironjawz orruks seek the shortest path to their adversaries, closing in with unyielding determination and thunderous zeal. Those unfortunate enough to obstruct their path quickly learn the consequences.

What truly fuels the Ironjawz’ ferocity is their affinity for massive, belligerent hogs that mirror their own tenacity. These hogs, especially the colossal Maw-gruntas, rampage through enemy ranks with devastating force.

Taming the Unstoppable Maw-gruntas

Capturing and taming one of these mighty beasts is a perilous yet highly rewarding task. It enhances an orruk’s reputation and equips them with a formidable living weapon. In battle, Ironjawz make ingenious use of the Unstoppable Momentum generated by these rampaging pigs.

Unlike units with degrading profiles, Maw-gruntas are fueled by their own speed. At the battle’s outset, they possess a momentum score of 1, which increases by D3 each time they run or charge, with a maximum of 6. However, this momentum diminishes by 1 at the end of each turn.

A Maw-grunta’s movement distance and combat capabilities surge in tandem with its momentum score. Hence, Ironjawz adhere to a simple mantra: “always be chargin’.” When their momentum score reaches 4 or more, they become Headlong Chargers, capable of both running and charging, ensuring that the momentum remains high as they plow through enemy lines.

Versatility of the Maw-grunta Kit

The Maw-grunta kit offers versatility, enabling you to build one of three distinct variations. The tyrannical Tuskboss exerts formidable control, the Hakkin’ Krew excels at slicing through hordes of lighter infantry, and the Maw-grunta Gouger is a sleek, single-rider behemoth that can form units and even becomes a battleline choice when led by a Tuskboss general.

Embrace the Grunta Stampede

“Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute” introduces the Grunta Stampede, an Army of Renown centered around these warlike hogs, both large and small. This faction offers unique enhancements and allegiance abilities. The riotous chants of ‘Ere We Come! rally your orruks, ensuring that your MAW-GRUNTA units maintain their momentum in the early turns.

Pre-order the Ironjawz

Prepare for battle as these colossal hogs become available for pre-order this weekend, alongside a host of new Ironjawz units, featuring a blend of armor, muscle, and jagged hackas.

Your Journey Begins

The Battletome Supplement: Ironjawz contains lore, miniature galleries, warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles for all the upcoming Ironjawz units available for pre-order. Dive into the world of Ironjawz and unleash your inner Waaagh! spirit.

Charge headlong into battle with the indomitable Maw-gruntas of the Ironjawz. Download the Battletome Supplement: Ironjawz above, and forge your path to glory on the battlefield!

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