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New Plastic Vampire Blood Bowl Team: Elegant and Deadly

The illustrious realm of Blood Bowl has seen vampires engage in the sport for eons, their physical prowess rendering them formidable contenders on the field. Recently, these aristocratic blood-sippers have focused on managing other Undead teams, but a thrilling shift is imminent – a fresh Vampire Blood Bowl team, now equipped with enhanced positionals and a revamped Bloodlust trait, is poised to grace stadiums.

A Team That Embodies Elegance and Domination

Vampires, synonymous with the sport’s essence due to its ‘blood’ moniker, form the core of this enthralling team. Unlike the stern fighters in other Warhammer universes, these vampires revel in life’s opulent pleasures – think billowing capes, ornate shirts, and refined silk cravats.

These full-blooded Vampire players stand as titanic contenders, sprinting akin to Elves, blitzing reminiscent of Orcs, and delivering throws akin to other Elves, albeit a different variety. The Hypnotic Gaze skill, a potent tool for orchestrating explosive plays, is ingrained in all their Blitzers, Runners, and Throwers.

The Thirst for Blood and the Role of Thrall Linemen

Despite their unmatched physicality and immortal experience, the thirst for blood continues to afflict Vampires. The frenzied violence of a typical Blood Bowl match can exacerbate their cravings. Fortunately, the team set introduces eight Thrall Linemen, serving a dual purpose as convenient portable nourishment when the Vampires’ appetites surge, evident from the telltale bite marks.

Every miniature boasts extensive customization options, ensuring your players stand out. The set also offers four Vampire-themed balls, including a diminutive gargoyle ensnared in belts. Additionally, two coffin-inspired turn markers and two double-sided coins are included.

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