Hi all,
This is the final wrap up post i have about my preparations for the NOVA open. In my previous post i was in a bit of a tizzy with a lot left to accomplish. Let’s take a look at my last set of goals!
- Finish painting my 8 jetbikes and speeder
- Finalize my lists
thankfully, I was able to get the last of y painting done yesterday and also solidify my lists. For the Horus Heresy event I was surprised to see that I had missed their force org requirements and needed to shuffle my list at the last moment, without further ado here is what I have:
ROW – Terror Assault
Centurion Delgatus – jetbike, trophies of judgement, Eschaton powerclaw Preysight
Centurion Vigiator – Preysight
5x Recon Marines
11x Tactical Marines – Signum, Auspex
11x Tactical Marines – Signum, Auspex
Rapier Battery – 2x quad launcher with incendiary shells – Preysight
Fast Attack:
2x Sabres with Preysight and neutron lasers
7x Sabre bikes – sgt. with artificer armor and power sword, 3x multi-meltas, plasma cannon, volkite gun
Heavy support:
1x Arquitor Bombard – Preysight
Basically this is a pinning list designed to support my partner’s Iron Hands as they waddle up the board. My list can’t take a punch, but it’s designed to be difficult to pin down while putting out a lot of shots.
On the Age of Sigmar Front my list is also set:

Contorted Epitome
Selections: Flaming Weapon, General, Heroic Stature
Blissbarb Archers – 11 Blissbarb Archers
Seekers – 10 Seekers, Banner Bearer, Heartseeker, Hornblower, Icon Bearer, Reinforced
Seekers 5 Seekers, Heartseeker, Hornblower
Slickblade Seekers – 5 Slickblade Seekers, Champion
Scenery: Fane of Slaanesh
Allegiance: Hedonites of Slaanesh
Selections: Godseekers Host
CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment
Grand Strategy – Overshadow
Another fast list, this one can’t really throw a punch, outside of maybe the Epitome. I am very new to AoS and so this tourney will be wild. Only half our points are coming from battle performance so I don’t feel too bad if we get spanked!
Are you going to any NOVA events? If you see me gie a shout! I will be documenting my experiences and am super excited!
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!