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The Arvus Lighter Takes Flight Once More!

As the fervor for epic battles in the Age of Darkness escalates, a notable return is on the horizon, bringing excitement to the hearts of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy enthusiasts. The spotlight falls on the steadfast underdog of the Divisio Aeronautica – the legendary Arvus Lighter.

Soaring Back with Purpose

Amidst the clamor of anticipation, the Arvus Lighter makes its triumphant comeback, ready to take flight once more in the Forge World webstore. This resilient resin craft from the Horus Heresy era is being reintroduced after a substantial hiatus, equipped and revamped for the challenges of battle.

A Transport Beyond Compare

Armed with functionality rather than weapons, the Arvus Lighter stands as a steadfast bearer of logistics. It’s a dedicated transport designed to navigate treacherous terrains where tanks might falter. When the battlefield gets congested, and the need for swift movement arises, the Arvus Lighter is the ally you can rely on.

Despite its unpretentious appearance, this transport can accommodate up to 12 individuals, providing a suitable transport option for smaller elite units and command squads. While it might lack opulence, its robust efficiency shines, making it an economical choice for rapid redeployment. Notably, it stands as the most budget-friendly Flyer within Imperial service, requiring fewer points than a Dreadclaw Drop Pod.

Charm in Simplicity

The Arvus Lighter possesses a distinct charm in its practical design and resilient demeanor. Its boxy aesthetics are paired with an undaunted spirit, an attitude that may even divert enemy attention away from its modest armor. Its unwavering determination might even deter foes from causing harm to this gallant vessel.

For enthusiasts eager to include the Arvus Lighter in their battles, its rules can be found in the Liber Imperium rulebook. Alongside this iconic craft, the rulebook introduces an array of other units hailing from Solar Auxilia, Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence, and Officio Assassinorum.

Embrace the return of the Arvus Lighter as it takes to the skies once more, poised to contribute its unique utility to the grand tapestry of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy battles.

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