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Games Workshop Metawatch Update

With the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 captivating enthusiasts worldwide, GW has delved deep into battles and tournaments to extract valuable competitive insights. After countless matches and major tournaments, it’s time to sift through the treasure trove of data amassed and unveil the strategic trends that have emerged.

Dominant Factions Maintain Their Edge

Factions like Imperial Knights and Genestealer Cults, which entered the new edition with vigor, continue to outshine their rivals. Despite adjustments to balance, including the Aeldari Strands of Fate ability and Towering units, these factions persist in overperforming. Their strength often ripples across the competitive realm, influencing opponent choices and strategies.

Faction Inequality
few things show of the uneven nature of 10th ed quite like this graph. When you have 11 factions below your ideal win rate (the second largest grouping of the three). This confirms many players’ feelings that the indexes feel very ad-hoc and designed by groups with no understanding of what the other writers are doing.

Amid the evolving landscape, players have much to anticipate. The upcoming changes, along with the eagerly awaited Tyranid and Space Marines codexes set to debut this autumn, promise to reshape strategies and unleash new tactical possibilities. As the NOVA Open approaches later this month, the competitive scene heats up, offering intense battles and showcasing the finest strategies.

Stay connected for forthcoming updates, announcements about exciting changes, and insights into the competitive fervor that continues to captivate players across the globe. The journey through the 10th edition is only just beginning – embrace the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead!

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