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Defeating Skabbik’s Plaguepack: Strategies for Victory in Warhammer Underworlds

Skabbik’s Plaguepack has crawled its way into the Wyrdhollow of Warhammer Underworlds, bringing with it a putrid wave of corruption. To ensure your victory against these loathsome opponents, follow these expert tactics from John at the Warhammer Design Studio.

1. Thwart the Inspire Condition The Plaguepack’s power hinges on corrupting territories and gaining inspiration for their fighters. Inspired Plaguepack fighters possess heightened damage, accuracy, defense, and wounds. To keep them at bay, prevent them from claiming objectives and confine them to their own territory. Remember, they require two fighters to corrupt a territory and just two Corrupted territories for full inspiration. Swiftly contest objectives and neutral hexes to hinder their early-game advantage.

2. Assess Fighter Threats Each fighter in the Plaguepack demands distinct strategies. Skabbik, the leader, is a formidable force with crucial cards tied to his presence. Eliminate him or weaken him at all costs, even if it means sacrificing a fighter. Rabidius Skench is a powerful but inaccurate attacker, so beware of setups for supported attacks. Itchitt may seem unassuming but can unleash devastating damage with his Book of Woe special action. Handle him strategically to mitigate his impact. Poxlix and Rikkit can also become threats if upgraded, so stay vigilant.

3. Tackle Skritter Wisely Skritter is a nuisance that demands attention. However, don’t pour excessive aggression into dealing with him, as it can disrupt your overall strategy. Invest the minimum effort required, ideally only if he’s on a nearby objective. Utilize cards like The Lantern of Vengeance or Bursting Power to eliminate him without compromising your action economy.

Arming Yourself for Victory By implementing these tactics, you’ll be well-equipped to combat the vile forces of Skabbik’s Plaguepack. Stay vigilant, contest objectives, and counter their strategies strategically. Remember, their corruption is potent, and once you start to sniffle, their victory might already be underway. Equip yourself for success, and if the allure of Skabbik’s Plaguepack beckons, prepare to pre-order them this weekend!

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