More details for the Martell Heroes 2, Bolton Heroes 1, and Dreadfort Spearmen have been found for the A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game. These descriptions were found on the Asmondee websites under their respective listings and go into detail about the rules for some of the contents.
Martell Heroes 2
“As a NCU, Arianne Martell exerts her influence across the battlefield with skillful negotiations, causing enemy attachments to lose their abilities. Arys helps to control zones on the Tactics board with his Unfaltering Politics ability.
Daemon Sand and Gerold Dayne, both seasoned warriors in their own right, bring different styles of command to the Martell faction.”
As suspected Arianne Martell is an NCU, however we now know she influences enemy units to remove the abilities of their Attachments. This links back to how easily she was able to manipulate Arys Oakheart into doing what she wanted. The rule could be very substantial in the game with turning off Glory Seekers or even Commanders such as Kevan Lannister. It certainly sounds like she should be 5pts, but we will have to wait and see.
Surprisingly Arys Oakheart is an NCU. I assume he also has an attachment card in the box as well, but NCU was not what I was expecting. Helping to control zones on the Tactics Board synergises well with Nymeria Sand and Ellaria Sand, but it can help abilities on Aero Hotah and Harmen Uller too. With Martells having a great lineup of NCUs he may not see that much play, but the synergy is there.
Darkstar is confirmed to be a Commander as predicted. I do believe his cards will revolve around Starfall Affiliation since there will be three units for Starfall and an attachment for them in this box also with Edric Dayne. I am shocked that Edric is not an NCU but it kind of makes sense. Whilst he was never present in Dorne, since he was with the Brotherhood Without Banners, I assumed he would be represented as an influential voice for Dorne in the rest of Westeros. It looks like instead they will make him an attachment and possibly Commander’s Vassal as he was a squire to Beric Dondarrion. Only time will tell for Edric.
Daemon Sand is the other Commander which is one I believed was possible but decided against for Quentyn Martell. Daemon is a very skillful tactician when we see him play some of the games with other characters, I am sure he will be represented as such on the field.
Bolton Heroes 1
“As a Commander, Steelshanks Walton has access to tactic cards such as Price of Fear, Rush of Aggression and Taunt.
Each of the Bastards’ Boys has their own unique Abilities or Orders to spread the fear and chaos amidst the battle.
Tybald may use his Deceitful Envoy ability causes one of the opposing Combat Units to become Vulnerable if an enemy NCU takes a Tactics Zone that has been targeted by him.”
Steelshanks is now confirmed to have one new Tactics Card in Price of Fear. My best guess is that it will act like Price of Failure where it is played to force a failure of a Panic Test on the opponent for some negative effect back on one of your units. Perhaps it is minimal damage, or your own unit must do a Panic Test as well.
At the Super Regionals CMON said the Bastard’s Boys would have bonuses in Cutthroats and Bastard’s Girls. Here we learn they will have unique abilities, so I hope this means these are brand new rules for the Boltons to medal with Morale and not the Spread Fear Order it sort of alludes to as this is already on the Bolton Flayers.
Tybald’s rule seems to work like other NCUs, targeting zones with negative effects if the opponent dares to take them. Whilst relatively small reward in a Vulnerable token, this could play a significant role to help units like the Flayed Men do more damage, or Roose’s cards to remove abilities and cancel effects. For 4pts this is very useful and useful.
The only other information I know about this box is that Ben Bones will be 1pts, which reduces to 0pts when taken in a unit of Bastard’s Girls, however we do not know what his rules are currently.
Dreadfort Spearmen
“With their Impaling Spear attack, they are able to inflict the Panicked condition to opposing units in short range if they destroy one of the defending unit’s ranks.”
A lot of people wanted to know what the Spearmen’s rules were as soon as they were revealed, and now we know. Similar in a sense to The Weeper’s Grisily example rule or Reek’s Set an Example rule, when you destroy a rank in combat with this unit, then all enemy units in short range become panicked. This is very strong and helps to synergise with a lot of other units’ abilities.
Bolton’s are shaping up to be a very fun faction to play due to how much each small part of the force synergises with each other. I have no doubt when plays pull off the full chain of events it will be extremely satisfying.
Martell Heroes 2 is coming out in a weeks’ time, so it won’t be long until we get to see the new Commanders of Darkstar and Daemon Sand, whilst getting some crucial Attachments and NCUs to flesh out list building for the most recent faction to the game.
On the other hand, we are about a month away from the release of the first Mini Faction with the Boltons, and I am amazed so much has remained unknown about the Commanders, Base Deck, Attachments and NCUs.
If we find any more information between now and the release, we will be sure to let you know.
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