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Star Wars: Shatterpoint Preview – Spotlight on the Advanced Recon Force

In today’s sneak peek of Star Wars: Shatterpoint, we’re shedding light on one of the remarkable units of the specialized forces that took center stage during the epic Clone Wars – the Advanced Recon Force (ARF).

At the forefront of this skilled unit is none other than CT-411, the Clone Commander better known to us as “Ponds.”

If you’re a fan of reenacting historic squads from the Star Wars saga, you’re in for a treat. Commander Ponds and his ARF Clone Troopers form an excellent choice to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Jedi Master Mace Windu, just as they did in the heated battles of the Clone Wars. Together, this iconic trio were instrumental in numerous vital battles, from reclaiming the Twi’lek homeland of Ryloth to engaging in fierce combat on Geonosis and Malastare.

As a Recon Commander, Ponds is superbly skilled in maneuvering his troops to the frontline and securing their safety while capturing the tactical upper hand. Ponds’s innate ability, Forward Scout, paves the way for flexible deployments, aligning seamlessly with primary units like Jedi Master Mace Windu. With the “Incoming” trait, nearby troopers with Hunker tokens gain immunity to being Exposed, a feat clone troopers can accomplish regularly with the help of Defensive Maneuver. Additionally, with each activation, Ponds’s Charge tactic can clear the path for an ally to make a swift Dash forward.

When it comes to battle, Ponds adopts his Superior Recon stance to serve as a versatile fighter. While he specializes in long-range attacks with his blaster rifle, he can also deal a hefty blow at close quarters using his blaster pistols. His Combat Tree is commendable, inflicting decent damage and offering tactical options for Repositioning himself or applying Shove, Disarm, or Pin on his target.

The iconic Phase II Clone Armor donned by Ponds, the ARF Troopers, and their comrades provides a balanced mix of agility and protection. Although it’s lighter and designed for maneuverability, it offers protection against glancing shots. The ARF primarily relies on tactical positioning and using the terrain to their advantage, all the while staying guarded against enemy fire as they march ahead to seize objectives.

ARF Clone Troopers, trained even more rigorously than their counterparts like the 212th Clone Troopers, leverage Defensive Maneuver to swiftly advance and hunker down. Their unity as Brothers in Arms enables them to gain Steadfast from Hunker tokens, and if they’re near Commander Ponds, they also gain Immunity to being Exposed. Their Coordinated Fire allows collective actions to Expose an enemy, while their intensive recon training lets them Lay Low from hunkered positions, increasing their defense against ranged attacks.

A deeper understanding of the ARF Clone Troopers comes with examining their Recon Force stance. As a primarily ranged unit boasting high accuracy, the ARF Troopers aren’t shy of engaging in melee combat when necessary. Their Combat Tree focuses on strategic options over raw damage output, but they can still pack a punch, offering early access to inflicting Pin and Shove conditions and the choice of Exposing or Disarming the target.

This first glimpse into the world of Commander Ponds and the ARF Clone Troopers offers an exciting insight into these dedicated soldiers. They stand prepared to assist Jedi leaders like Mace Windu, scouting ahead into hostile territory, and paving the way for reinforcements. The galaxy awaits your command!

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