Previously, I have written about the rank and flank miniatures game Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings (TLAOK). This massed battle fantasy wargame is a refreshingly modern take on the classic square based miniatures game, but there is even more to this amazing game than meets the eye. When you buy Conquest models you will get circular bases for your individual models as well as square stands to rank up your regiments on the tabletop. This may seem odd at first. Why wouldn’t Para Bellum just make the models with individual square bases to save on plastic? Well, when you buy Conquest models you are actually buying models for two distinct wargames. The rank and flank massed battle game, Conquest TLAOK, and Conquest First Blood.
Para Bellum calls First Blood their skirmish game, but I think this paints the wrong picture for miniature wargamers who may be interested in getting into this version of Conquest. First Blood doesn’t use the square stands that come with all Conquest miniatures, and models move around the table in loose formations of models on the circular bases that many of us are familiar with, but there is little else about this game the says “skirmish wargame.” A skirmish game generally has less models, and focuses on individual models moving around a smaller game table. These games can be extremely fun despite their small size, but First Blood isn’t really just the smaller game version of Conquest.
Warbands in First Blood can range in size from just a few large monsters to 50 militiamen, and the game does not feel like a skirmish wargame. Games of First Blood can even have the same amount of models/units as a game of Age of Sigmar. Individual models are organized into regiments of anywhere from 1-12 models, and their movement is all done from a regiment leader. Simply move the leader and then place all of the other models within a 5 inch circle. This makes for quick movement, but don’t be fooled by the simplicity of First Blood’s movement system. Models generally need to be in base to base contact to fight enemies, but the various weapons can have drastic affects on where you want your models positioned on the battlefield. For example, models with shields can make it so enemy models cannot fight past them even if the enemy is equipped with a weapon that would allow this (like a spear). Precise movement of your models is also crucial due to the aura buffs and spells that your characters have access to. These are generally short range, powerful, game effects that will reward players who can position their character to maximize these powerful abilities.

Speaking of character abilities, to build a warband in First Blood you will first select a character to lead your warband. Depending on what character you choose you will gain different abilities for your force. Some characters synergize with certain regiments better than others, but there are little restrictions on how you build your warband. For example, the undead legions of the Old Dominon can be led by a Straegos who makes your cavalry more defensive while they are near him, but he also comes with plenty of other buffing abilities that can affect many different regiments.
Para Bellum makes it extremely easy to get into First Blood with their 2 player starter set. This starter set contains enough models (50!) to have 2 players get the full experience of First Blood by commanding either the undead Old Dominion or the Conquest version of orcs in the W’adrhun. The set even comes with a full rulebook, so you will have everything needed to play this awesome wargame. Para Bellum also has the entire rules, and army builder with regiment stats, over on their website COMPLETELY FREE. You can go check out the complete rules for First Blood without buying a single model. As an added bonus, the starter set also comes with the square based stands needed to play these models in TLAOK, so when you want to jump into the full massed battle Conquest wargame you are already on your way!

Para Bellum has stated they were trying to create the feel of phalanxes of soldiers crashing into each other, as opposed to the birds eye view battling of TLAOK, and I think they nailed it with First Blood. Your character can feel extremely strong, but it will take some serious proper maneuvering to get the most out of a the regiments in your warband. Placing the right regiments, with the right equipment and abilities, at the right spot on the tabletop makes First Blood an extremely tactical gaming experience.
FLG also has a ton of other Para Bellum products over on their webstore at a great discount! Check it out!