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Preview of Mace Windu for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

The man himself, Mace Windu gets a preview article for Star Wars: Shatterpoint!

Over the ages, an array of awe-inspiring individuals have graced the Jedi Council, yet none encapsulates the perfect blend of grace, might, self-control, and imposing presence quite like Jedi Master Mace Windu, who takes the spotlight in our Star Wars: Shatterpoint sneak peek.

Famed for his service during the waning days of the Republic Era, Windu emerged as one of the Jedi Order’s most distinguished generals. A leader on the battlefield, he commanded respect and admiration from all quarters. Despite his noted dislike for political intrigue, Windu’s sharp intellect and instincts led him to uncover dark conspiracies against his order, becoming one of the few to see through Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s web of deceit. Always on the frontlines of defense, he nearly single-handedly thwarted the downfall of the Jedi Order. Windu can rightly be seen as an epitome of Jedi values, a reflection of the unwavering purpose and direct confrontations of Jedi Knights from a bygone era.

In the arena of combat, Windu’s style can be best defined as ‘Tempered Aggression’. With the Force as his reliable ally, he doesn’t shy away from going head-on into conflict, transmuting potential pitfalls into victories. His knack for swiftly engaging his enemies is supported by his strategy ‘Rush to Action’, which enables him and his allies to seize crucial objectives and strike on their own terms. Far from reckless, Windu’s every move reflects a thought-out plan.

Windu’s revered stature is such that just his presence in battle galvanizes his allies, filling them with the confidence that ‘This Party’s Over’. His aura instills Steadfastness and Protection in his allies, a testament to their faith in his assured triumph. However, it is his potent ability ‘Shatterpoint’, that truly stands out, granting Windu substantial advantages at the onset of his engagement based on his ‘Active Stance’, enabling him to intensify his imminent attacks or rejuvenate himself through Healing and renewing his Focus Tokens.

In his offensive mode, Windu resorts to Form VII Vaapad, his preferred lightsaber form representing his signature stance. While its aggressive nature poses a threat of succumbing to the Dark Side for those with weaker resolve, Windu exhibits total control over this unique form, employing its power to overpower rival duelists. The stance, with its high damage potential, greatly benefits from Shatterpoint’s Impact 2 Focus Action. Its Combat Tree allows for raw lethal power or the option to Strain, Expose, or Pin the enemy, potentially disarming them and presenting a chance to Reposition.

Alternatively, Windu’s Jedi Master Stance is a bit more restrained, signifying his use of the Force directly against his opponent rather than focusing solely on his lightsaber. Still aggressive, this stance offers high damage, up to three Shove opportunities, and the choice to trade a Shove for a chance to Expose the enemy and Jump to an advantageous position. Both stances serve well under different circumstances, with the former being ideal for dueling and the latter particularly useful while securing Objectives.

Playing as Mace Windu on the tabletop is an exhilarating experience, bringing to life the legendary and audaciously brave Jedi. He seamlessly integrates with a varied group of allies, and the dynamics of his squad can shift based on whether the chosen members amplify his aggressive style or balance him out by offering support, such as ranged firepower.

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