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Proxy Wars – The Silver Chainsword: Xenos, Mutants and Heretics

A game of The Silver Bayonet is nothing without it’s monsters. In fact, the monsters are more important than an opponent! So let’s look at the best ways to represent them using 40K models.

The Silver Bayonet requires an unabashedly large number of monsters. The actual model count for any given mission is small, but there is always a small chance that something from the bestiary might just pop up to ruin your lovely jaunt in the haunted woods. After discovering this, one of the first things I see people looking for when starting out with the game is a complete list of monster models needed to play all the scenarios. There really isn’t one, because multiples of a given monster can and will show up sometimes, so it is best just to have a bunch of minis handy. Thankfully, most 40K players have some extra minis lying around, or know someone who plays a different army and might be able to lend a couple to the cause.

Here is my best attempt to match 40K minis to the monster list in the base Silver Bayonet game. I have tried to use minis from factions that do not have a kill team in one of the boxed sets, but the fact is that Chaos has a lot of monsters that will fight everyone, even themselves! That said, this list is not mean to be adhered to strictly, it is just meant to show the flexibility of the 40K minis for this purpose. So here it is:

So you can see how it might take a lot of models to make this whole list, but you really don’t need the whole thing, at least not for any single scenario. For instance, in the first scenario in the book you only need something to represent a hobgoblin, which should be a big thing with a two handed weapon. I think most of us will have something like that lying around. The other item to note is that the rulebook has a section on making your own scenarios AND your own monsters, which is something I might tackle for future editions of Proxy Wars. For now, I hope someone reads this and thinks that the barrier to entry for a game of Silver Bayonet is that much easier to surmount.

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