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Cities of Sigmar Preview – The High Ground

In the realm of warfare, securing the high ground has always been a strategic advantage. However, what happens when the battlefield offers no natural vantage points? This predicament is effortlessly solved by the ingenious Cities of Sigmar, who bring their own elevated positions to dominate the opposition. This blog post explores the fusion of sharpshooting expertise, formidable ogors, and elevated firing platforms that form the backbone of the Cities of Sigmar’s firepower.

The origin of this tactical marvel can be traced back to Greywater Fastness, where the treacherous Ghoul Mere swamps rendered conventional heavy artillery deployment impossible. To overcome this challenge, the resourceful Cities of Sigmar developed the concept of a Fusil-Major positioned on an Ogor Warhulk at each corner of their Castelite formations. These warriors serve multiple roles, acting as lookouts, snipers, and formidable flank defenders.

Second-generation city ogors possess a remarkable ability to control their appetites for extended periods. However, their unpredictable nature can make them quite the unconventional steeds. Picture a diminutive commander climbing up your shoulders just to bark orders at you! Longer-lasting Warhulk pairings often rely on bonds forged by a life debt or a lost bet, fostering a deeper connection beyond the mere rank and command hierarchy.

Perched atop their mobile watchtowers, Fusil-Majors have an unobstructed view of the battlefield, allowing them to unleash precise and deadly shots. With minimal distractions, they eliminate key enemy assets, destabilizing entire fronts and causing chaos without the need for direct commands. The Fortified Position created when an Ogor Warhulk plants its feet and pavise into the ground grants unparalleled protection against counterfire, rendering ranged attacks less effective.

The power of the Cities of Sigmar is growing stronger by the day. Footsloggers, noble knights, Freeguild generals, and more are ready to join the ranks. Stay informed about the latest releases and updates by signing up for the Warhammer Community newsletter.

The Cities of Sigmar have devised an ingenious solution to the absence of natural high ground on the battlefield. Through the combination of skilled marksmen, towering ogors, and mobile firing platforms, they command a dominating presence. Join their ranks and harness the power of elevated firepower to ensure victory on the battlefield.

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