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Unveiling the Mighty Kraken and B2 Battle Droids in Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Welcome to our special Databank Download! Today we’re putting the spotlight on the formidable Kraken, the Super Tactical Droid, escorted by the sophisticated B2 Battle Droids from the Appetite for Destruction Squad Pack in the Star Wars: Shatterpoint game.

Battle droids come in different tiers of threat, from those dangerous only in large swarms to others that strike fear into hearts as solitary war machines. The droids we’re introducing today are definitely from the second category – the top-tier assets of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Separatist forces were known for heavily relying on their advanced droids to enhance their military might, with Kraken exemplifying the epitome of a strategic and tactical military droid. Commanding vast numbers of combat units and maximizing the battle prowess of other droids, Kraken stood out in the service of the infamous Count Dooku, proving his mettle in the epic confrontations between the Separatist Alliance and the Republic.

Kraken, when deployed, acts as the nexus of a Tactical Network of battle droids, enabling him to temporarily command a nearby battle droid – shifting it into a defensive posture or facilitating an immediate attack. This pairs perfectly with his Do Not Let Them Escape tactic, allowing extra movement, either towards an enemy beyond normal attack range or to seize a strategic objective.

As you would expect from a tactical droid of his caliber, Kraken can perform a Complete Analysis of the battle situation, boosting his flexibility with the Order Card reserve option. Using Kraken to personally capture a key objective, supported by his battle droid escort, is a strategic move par excellence. His Conqueror’s Resolve ability shines in these scenarios, augmenting his Protection and Steadfastness, reducing incoming damage, and making him more resistant to being pushed out of position.

Kraken’s Ruthless Logic Stance emphasizes his versatility and formidability, especially with long-range attacks using his E-5 Blaster Rifle. This weapon, coupled with his Stance, allows him various options including Shove, Pin, and the use of an Active ability, alongside inflicting significant damage. While not as strong in melee, Kraken can certainly hold his own against less powerful troops. His durability ensures he can withstand a substantial amount of damage, particularly when defending an objective, thanks to his solid Defense Expertise Chart, which includes a vital repositioning option.

For any Galactic Republic soldier, seeing a pair of B2 Battle Droids approaching is a sight of pure dread. These heavily armored droids showcase their resilience during their Relentless Advance, coordinating potent Saturation Fire. The Enhanced Blast Armor of the B2 Battle Droids reduces incoming fire, requiring a concentrated, sustained attack to even slow them down.

The Suppression Protocol, a basic Stance for the B2 Battle Droids, focuses on aggression over defense. Equipped with a Wrist-Mounted Blaster, they can Shove, Pin, or Expose enemies, with the potential to inflict considerable damage even on formidable adversaries such as Jedi. While not primarily designed for melee combat, the B2 Battle Droids can effectively engage enemies at close range and are notoriously difficult to incapacitate due to their sturdy armored protection.

And with that, we wrap up our sneak peek at Kraken and the B2 Battle Droids! There’s no settling for lesser droids when these mighty machines are on the table!

Stay tuned for our next Star Wars: Shatterpoint Unit preview, where we’ll delve into how your favorite characters from the Star Wars universe fit into the exciting gameplay of Star Wars: Shatterpoint.

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