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Previewing General Grievous in Star Wars: Shatterpoint

The upcoming Star Wars: Shatterpoint game introduces a plethora of exciting characters, but none perhaps as infamous as the one we’re showcasing today – General Grievous.

This distinctive silhouette with four arms and quad-lightsabers is instantly recognizable and has been a feared adversary in the Star Wars universe. Grievous, the formidable leader of the Separatist Alliance, is not someone even the Jedi approach lightly.

General Grievous’ origins trace back to his life as a Kaleesh warlord, a memory now overshadowed by his extensive cybernetic augmentations. A central figure in the Clone Wars, Grievous commanded the Droid Army of the Separatist Alliance, battling alongside other prominent leaders under Count Dooku’s mentorship. With his newly augmented body, Grievous honed his lightsaber skills to an unprecedented level, managing multiple blades simultaneously with his advanced limbs. His gruesome collection of Jedi-hunted lightsabers – trophies of his deadly pursuits – adds a chilling touch to his formidable persona.

It’s easy to mistake Grievous for a machine as he maneuvers alongside his battle droids. His extra limbs enable spider-like agility, helping him scale walls, traverse ceilings, and chase down agile Jedi – an activity he particularly relishes.

Grievous’ capabilities against formidable foes are extraordinary. His training in Jedi Arts allows him to inflict substantial damage even when outnumbered, making him a relentless adversary. His “Appetite for Destruction” synchronizes his attacks with his battle droids, creating a combined force that targets vulnerable objectives. The pleasure he derives from injuring enemies enhances his battle resilience and may even restore Force tokens when his victim is a Force User.

Despite lacking Force abilities, Grievous boasts two powerful Stances. The Quad Arm Attack Stance is his melee preference, designed for wielding multiple lightsabers and causing significant damage. This stance prevents him from using his DT-57 Annihilator Blaster, but his highly damaging Combat Tree and aggressive Attack Expertise Chart make up for this.

The Cunning Warlord Stance, on the other hand, suits Grievous when he needs to maintain distance or act cautiously. While still aggressive, this stance allows Grievous to use his DT-57 Annihilator Blaster effectively at long range. His Combat Tree in this stance offers a mix of offensive and defensive tactical options. Despite a weaker Attack Expertise Chart for melee, his Cybernetic Enhancements Defense Expertise Chart is potent, reducing critical hits and providing defensive movement options. Given Grievous’ durability, neutralizing him proves a challenge for any adversary.

So there you have it – a first glimpse into General Grievous in Star Wars™: Shatterpoint! The game takes an exciting turn when Grievous teams up with a droid-centric army, including Kraken and various battle droids. Stay tuned for more insights and previews!

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