Whilst my hype is steadily rising for the new reveals for A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game, I looked into the War Council App and noticed a bunch of product codes that were missing for several factions. Each of these codes have been passed over for others leaving gaps of missing boxes. It had me thinking about what we are missing from the rosters and what we could see in the future based on this. Some of them have only just recently been revealed to us at the Super Regionals and may get further reveals from a CMON live stream this week.
Starter Sets
SIF001 – Stark v Lannisters
SIF001a – Stark
SIF001b – Lannisters
SIF002 – Night’s Watch
SIF003 – Free Folk
SIF004 – ?
SIF005 – Bolton
SIF006 – Targaryen
SIF007 – Martell
SIF008 – Baratheon
SIF009 – Greyjoy
So, what’s up? We skipped two starters for so long and Boltons will fill the 005 spot. So, who is in 004? Is it another Neutral faction? Before a Bolton box? Could it have been or still be a standard Neutral box? Is it a two-player starter between the Night’s Watch and Free Folk? I don’t feel like it is Arryns as I doubt CMON thought of them so early, but then again Martells is in front of Baratheons and Greyjoys. I am truly stumped on this, and my best bet is to go with something we know is coming which is Arryns. CMON just listed the factions in such an odd manner.
Targaryens – 3 Boxes
SIF611 – Brazen Beasts
SIF612 – Pit Fighters
SIF613 – ?
SIF614 – ?
SIF615 – Targaryen Heroes 3
Theory – Targaryen Attachments 1, Newly Anointed, or Mother’s Men.
When the Bog Devils, Harpoon Husbands, Pirates and Beasts were leaked in the stock list for stores, Targaryen Attachments 1 was included in this list. 613 or 614 could be this or the Attachment box is 616. Either way we know this box is on its way soon alongside the recently announced Pit Fighters.
The other ideas I had was perhaps these are units to match existing Commanders. We are getting Pit Fighters which ties with Belwas, and a Mother’s Men unit would fit perfectly for Marselen although he already works with Freedmen. Barristan doesn’t really have a specific unit of note in the books, however in the pre-released chapter of TWOW it is mentioned he plans to sally forth and attack the Slaver’s forces with his newly anointed knights and soldiers, this could be a good pick. There are the Shavespates, Stalwart Shields, and Free Brothers that are all missing. It could be any of them but also could be a new Dothraki unit such as the Jaqqa Rhan. There is a lot to pull from here for the Targaryens.
Baratheons – 3 Boxes
SIF815 – Baratheon Heroes 3
SIF816 – Baratheon Attachments 1
SIF817 – ?
SIF818 – ?
SIF819 – ?
SIF820 – Baratheon Heroes 4
Theory – Stannis Cavalry, Stannis Spearmen, Tarly Bowmen and Rewyne Sailors
King Stannis is the cavalry Commander for the Baratheons however he doesn’t have a specific loyalty unit for him to join. Looking at his cards, a light cavalry focused on morale damage, speed, and retreating would match his rules quite well. At the Super Regionals it was said that Baratheon Spearmen were shown off in artwork, you can see these spearmen in the Baratheon Heroes 3 background, it is likely that we will be getting Stannis loyalty spears soon, or do not have a loyalty like most Baratheon named units. The other boxes could expand on the Renly side further by introducing some Tyrell vassals like Tarly Archers or the Redwyne Fleet. There is a lot of possibility for the Baratheons since they incorporate two of the Seven Kingdoms.
Night’s Watch – 1 Box
SIF309 – Night’s Watch Heroes 1
SIF310 – Night’s Watch Heroes 2
SIF311 – ?
SIF312 – Ranger Vanguard
SIF313 – Shadow Tower Spearmen
SIF314 – ?
SIF315 – Night’s Watch Heroes 3
Theory – Eastwatch Unit
Only two boxes are missing for the Watchers on the Wall. I think we will have something connected to Cotter Pyke since we got Shadow Tower Spearmen which links with Denys Mallister. Having a unit connecting to Eastwatch would be satisfying. It could be something like Galley Crew who patrol the sea to stop people from trading weapons to the Free Folk. Sure, footed Mules are bred at Eastwatch so we could see a Mule unit. On the other hand, I would love to see Night’s Watch Mutineers at some point, and it might be a cheap unit to help dilute the ocean of 7pts in the faction. I think we are running low on what can be pulled for the Night’s Watch forces but Stewarts are lacking in representation. Perhaps some solo baggage train units would fit here?
Neutrals/Boltons – 4 Boxes
SIF512 – Stormcrow Archers
SIF513 – Stormcrow Dervishes
SIF514 – ?
SIF515 – ?
SIF516 – Golden Company Swordsmen
SIF517 – Golden Company Crossbowmen
SIF518 – Golden Company Elephants
SIF519 – Lysine Pirates
SIF520 – ?
SIF521 – ?
SIF522 – Bolton Spearmen
SIF523 – Bolton Archers
506 was missing but this is Bolton Heroes 1
Theory – Stormcrow Cavalry, Neutral Heroes 3, Foot Hedge Knights, Mummers, or More Boltons
For Neutrals 4 boxes are missing from their roster, even with the two new Bolton units these still remain missing, however 506 was finally revealed to be Bolton Heroes 1 which makes me think was this box CMONs plan all along? Neutral Heroes 3 was shown off in artwork recently which would crossout one of the four missing boxes. We could see some random units out of nowhere like how we got the Lysene pirates, this could be Salladhor Saan’s forces for example.
For existing factions, we could see some more Stormcrows, Brave Companions, or Golden Company. I recently went over what the future could look like for each in another article here.
Greyjoys – 1 Box
We know Greyjoy Attachment box 1 is coming. This was listed alongside the Targaryen Attachment box 1 when we got the name drop for Frozen Shore Hunters, Bog Devils, Lysene Pirates and Brazen Beasts. This might be the best Attachment box as Greyjoys are missing quite a few. Furthermore, they tend to have space for spending points on Attachments as well.
Recently revealed was the Lannister Gold Cloaks to match Addam Marbrand Commander of the City Watch. CMON tends to release Lannister and Stark boxes in order and do the rest a jumble. I did not have any predictions for Lannisters as this box was not missing, however they have been a long sought after unit for the forces of King’s Landing. I do have a similar desire for The Mountains Clansmen for a Tyrion Commander force, I wonder if we will ever see them.
Just like the Lannisters the Stark boxes are released in order, and with the Bog Devils I was not expecting a new release so soon. However, the recently revealed Umber Light Cavalry has me grinning from ear to ear. I love the idea that CMON are expanding the Affiliations for Stars further and would love to see more of them all especially with NCUs to run a pure force. If we were to look outside of this, Manderlys and Glovers would be what I would want to see next.
Martells – 1 Box
SIF706 – Starfall Outriders
SIF707 – Starfall Knights
SIF708 – ?
SIF709 – Martell Heroes 1
Theory – Attachment box 1, or Starfall Infantry.
We know Martell Heroes 2 is on the horison but they are missing a box in their roster. There was a Starfall Infantry unit shown off in some artwork that could be this gap in the roster. Alternatively, this could be the Attachment box that every faction is required to have. Whatever it may be, Martells are still new with them only being in the UK for a month so any new releases will be great.
It seems there are quite a few boxes missing that CMON have yet to reveal or release. We should be getting a stream this week that should fill out the missing product codes from the War Council App.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

It could be referring to the Reach or Riverlands, as the missing faction. What would be cool to see, would be a Riverlands(Tully) Vs Frey mini faction starter set, that introduces Riverlands lords with the Loyalty system as the Riverlands are devised, while also keeping the loyalty of those who fought along with Robb as Tully loyalty, and giving the lords of the crossing a chance to appear in game, with neutral, and house Frey specific units,