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5/27 Pre-Orders are live! Getting Slizzard!

In the realm of Warhammer, the skies tremble as celestial debris soars through the air, cast by sorcerous frogs. But fear not, for the Slann Starmasters have a plan! Prepare for an exciting week in Warhammer as the Seraphon hosts receive reinforcements in the form of new miniatures. But first, let’s delve into the latest updates in the world of Warhammer.

Seraphon Battletome:
After its triumphant debut in the Seraphon Army Set, Battletome: Seraphon is now available for all Warhammer enthusiasts. This comprehensive book is your gateway to commanding armies of Coalesced reptiles and celestial Starborne forces. Packed with new and updated rules, warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles, the Battletome equips you with everything you need to dominate the battlefield with the Seraphon. Additionally, it introduces fresh Path to Glory rules, adding an extra layer of excitement to your games.

Slann Starmaster:

All Seraphon warriors take their cues from the wise and ancient Slann Starmasters. These amphibious augurs, created by the Old Ones, possess unparalleled mastery over cosmic energies and spellcasting abilities. Serving as linchpins for the Seraphon host, these majestic beings ensure the harmony of the Astromatrix and the fulfillment of the Great Plan.

Skink Starseer:
The devoted attendants of the Slann Starmasters, Skink Starseers play a crucial role in interpreting the cryptic pronouncements of their superiors. As the most powerful skink wizards, second only to the Slann, they possess the ability to read the heavens during battle, predicting the future and bestowing blessings upon their allies. With their guidance, the temple-cities continue to thrive.

Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon:
While spellcasters engage in arcane battles from the rear, the Saurus Scar-Veterans charge fearlessly into the heart of combat atop alpha predators like the savage Aggradons. With their barely-restrained savagery, these warriors and their mounts surge forward, roaring with fury, and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Saurus Astrolith Bearer:
Destined Saurus warriors carry Astroliths into battle – intricate devices adorned with astrological symbols and a core of purest celestite. These mystical artifacts act as conduits for heavenly energies, further empowering the Seraphon armies on the battlefield.

Aggradon Lancers:
Witness the power of the mighty Aggradon Lancers, capable of instilling fear in entire battlelines. These vicious creatures, known for their frenzy at the first taste of blood, serve as mounts for Saurus riders. The combination of their predatory nature and the riders’ strategic advantage allows them to effortlessly carve through the enemy’s vanguard units.

Among the Seraphon, the Kroxigor stand as the most physically imposing warriors, surpassing even the ferocious Saurus. Traditionally employed as laborers in the grand temple-cities, these behemoths now wade into battle alongside their skink counterparts, wielding massive mauls and hammers. You can also build the Kroxigor Warspawned variant, blessed with crocodilian features by the god Sotek, armed with starfang war-picks, and exhibiting even greater savagery.

Raptadon Hunters:
When the feral roar of Ghur awakens the land, not only do Aggradons emerge but also packs of Raptadon Hunters. These intelligent Seraphon mounts, ridden by skinks, possess exceptional speed and cunning, allowing their riders to outmaneuver enemies and exploit weaknesses on the battlefield. Build a unit of javelin-throwing Raptadon Hunters or lance-wielding Raptadon Chargers, both offering natural synergy in combat.

Saurus Warriors:
At the heart of most Seraphon armies, you’ll find the steadfast Saurus Warriors. Equipped with vice-like jaws, rending claws, and resilient scales, they serve as living weapons and valiant defenders of the geomantic nexus. Outfitted with celestite spears or clubs, these furious beasts transform into an organized force, capable of facing the toughest foes in the Mortal Realms.

Spawn of Chotec:
Unique among the Seraphon are the salamanders herded by Sun Acolytes, who bear the blessing of Chotec. These creatures unleash flaming globs of corrosive saliva, acting as living artillery on the battlefield. Their fiery projectiles weaken enemy armor and broil the flesh of their adversaries, ensuring a swift and impactful offensive.

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