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Star Wars: Legion – AMG Announces New Organized Play Kit

Hot on the heels of their X-Wing OP Kit, AMG has announced another Organized Play Kit, this time for Star Wars: Legion. Let’s check it out!

This is the second Organized Play Kit from AMG in as many months. For those unfamiliar, an OP Kit is a unique event that a store can run by picking up the kit from their distributor. It’s not available for retail, so you need to reach out to your Friendly Local Game store (the other FLG in your life), and tell them you want to play it so they can pick it up.

This OP kit represents a single, unique scenario for Star Wars: Legion, played on just a 3’x3′ board. A group of operatives and commandos have infiltrated an enemy installation to retrieve an unnamed asset. With this asset in their possession, they must now escape before they are destroyed. The operatives and commandos are represented by a force worth no more than 600 points. They start with the asset in their possession and are the defenders for the scenario. The attacking garrison player, responding to the alarm klaxons, gets a force no greater than 800 points.

Participating players bring their own armies and tokens, but will be provided with the unique scenario items needed for play. The defending player is trying to hold off the garrison of the installation until their extraction arrives and they can escape with the asset. During their turn, a defending unit leader that is in contact with an unclaimed objective token can “scrounge for supplies,” drawing a random card from the equipment deck.

Players are provided with the scenario cards, equipment deck cards, and the full art Din Djarin card featured above. This organized play kit will be available in June, so make sure to reach out to your local game store and tell them you want to participate.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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