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10 Ed Preview – Crusade Rules

This is an update I have been waiting for! The Crusade system got a little clunky and wonky at the end of 9th, let’s see how 10th changes things!

The first crusade campaign supplement is included in the release box, so I would highly recommend grabbing it! The leveling system looks pretty similar so far:

The battle honor system is staying the same with options for weapon enhancements and battle traits, I think psychic fortitudes may be gone. Characters Can also pick up relics!

Uhhh GW wrong model for this one

These all look pretty tame, but so did hte standard enhancements in the last book. Hopefully the “Ignore Invulns” relic is gone.

One of the major issues in the last set of crusade rules was the imbalance between armies that had played a while and newer ones. TO fight this, GW has a new system called “Blessings”.

Blessings can be anything from Command Points to extra Exp. for your surviving forces. There are even faction-specific ones!

The battle-Scar table has also been edited with some new options for you to picks:

For this camapign suppliment GW also announced new upgrade trees monsters and mosnter hunters can use to further specialize.

Overall I like these rules a lot. In 9th Crusade suffered from wild imbalance depending on army rules and also was quite bloated. I think the new system may share the same fate, but it also made for a great game. I think the blessing system is a great way to help new players catch up and fixes a gaping hole in the last rule set.

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