Hi All,
In today’s Warhammer Community post we got a breakdown of the new Stormcast Eternal forces in the upcoming box.
This warband is made up of wandering heroes led by a Questor-Prime – a warrior of great renown, marked for leadership by a divinely-delivered lantern. However, each Errant-Questor is more than capable.
This combo ability gives you some free actions and multiplies the effectiveness of each individual fighter. The Duelists in this group can also dictate enemy actions, keeping them from disengaging, or moving away from them.
If you are worried about mobility the Soulsworn ability can teleport you around the board, meaning no area is beyond their reach!
You also have a reaction that can punish your opponent for killing your models. Each time one falls, another gets a bonus attack or move action. This makes you very difficult to outmaneuver and overwhelm!
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