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40K 10th Edition – Space Marine Preview

Hi all,
We just got a wave of previews for the Space Marines on the 40k Community site! Check out some awesome datasheets and changes!

The first big change we are privy to is the change to doctrines. These are now abilities that can only be used once per game:

These now deal with mobility rather than AP which is a much fairer system. Up next, is a look at the Land Raider datasheet:

The beast is much tougher now, and doesn’t suffer any degradation penalties until it has 5 wounds or less. I hope they standardize this in some way, as you may need to check on your opponent’s degradation threshold for each model. Lascannons will only wound Landraiders on a 4+, and multi-meltas will need 5+’s. Twin heavy bolters have fewer shots but get exploding 6’s and the twin-linked rule which is very handy.

Robute also had a big overhaul and his statline is much different:

His weapon types have much more distinct uses now which is cool. At first, I thought he got all three abilities at once but you do have to pick one in each command phase. The way that Oath of Moment is worded it does make your army vulnerable to any shenanigans if you can move that targeted unit out of line of sight, which is interesting. Another big note is that his Inv. save has dropped to a 4+. We have seen inv saves start to drop, especially if they are 3++ so that is a big change.

Next up are a few weapon previews

The heavy laser destroyer is still quite good and might be a must-take in a vehicle/monster meta. The heavy onslaught cannon can now do mortal wounds on a 6 to hit which is good in an age of high toughness.

Finally, we get to see one of the new strats for the PSace Marines:

This isn’t wholly unchanged from 9th but it now works on all units selected, not just characters. This might be a big deal, especially if yo uuse it in conjunction with Robute’s ability to give 2 units a turn access to this strat!

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