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Warhammer Fest 2023 – Horus Heresy Reveals

It was a crazy day for Horus Heresy fans yesterday! We got a lot of reveals and sneak peaks as well as a possible confirmation of GW’s next big game revival!

To kick things off we got news that the Forge World Cerastus Knight Lancer is getting a plastic kit! I welcome these units finally getting plastic kits as the resin ones are a bit of a bear to build.

Lancers are a lot of fun as they allow you to charge wildly at your opponent, which is the whole point of big stompy robots anyway. Hopefully, we can get some decals for that heraldry as it looks sick.

As I predicted we also go a look ahead at the the new Cthonia campaign book and several of the new characters.

Vheren Ashurhaddon

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius

Both of these models look great, and I curious to see how they unpack the story of Cthonia as it is currently quite vague in the lore.

As we look ahead, we also got some peaks at the design work being done to get us some assault marines and despoilers.

We also got a timeline for the rest of the year for the Horus Heresy, and it looks great. There are several candidates for the “Mystery Army”. My bet is on the Daemons finally getting a release, but it could also be the Sister of Silence.

Fianally, there was a mysterious video that GW released as part of the 30K section.

I think this is confirmation that the 30k version of Epic will come this year, likely in the fall.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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