Lannister’s are standing proud in the 2021.02 update thanks to Kevin Lannister. Due to Kevin’s prowess, other Characters are becoming less prominent when being picked as Commanders. Updating the faction is certainly needed, but there are some big characters from the War of the Five Kings missing. Perhaps adding these would help bring flavour and diversity to the faction again? Here are my top 5 missing characters for the Lannister faction which should have been in the game by now or at least next in line.
Current Outlook
A lot of the big names and players for the Lannisters have received models. The few that remain never appeared in the show or if they did it was only by name. There are many smaller characters however who deserve a shot in the sun that could have become a big threat on their own. There are also a bunch of characters that sided with Lannisters but would work better in Neutrals due to their true allegiance, such as the Kettleblacks for instance.
Honourable Mention
I will be picking characters who have not received a model; however, I wanted an honourable mention for the mounted version of existing Commanders that players would like. Tywin Lannister, Jaime Lannister, and Addam Marbrand are the top candidates for a future cavalry Commander. If we are to see a Cavalry Commander, it will be with these characters rather than a brand new one. Although there is one that could take this role.
5 – Ironhand, Jacelyn Bywater
Jacelyn has an iron hand strapped to his right wrist where he lost his hand, hence his nickname. He is considered brave and honourable by some, and rigid by others. After Tyrion dismisses Janos Slynt as Commander of the City Watch, he raises Jacelyn Bywater to the position after being the Captain of the Mud Gate for three years.
He is very much Tyrion’s piece in the larger political game within the books. He defies Cersei when she tries to free Pycelle, he leads mounted lancers in the riot of King’s Landing, and he informs Tyrion of the opinions of the citizens. Jacelyn seized Prince Tommen Baratheon on the Rosby Road, imprisoned Lord Gyles Rosby and defeated Ser Boros Blount in the process. For this Ironhand earns the queen’s enmity, as well as a lordship from Tyrion.
Ironhand lost his life during the Battle of the Blackwater. When Joffrey retreated to the Red Keep, half the Gold Cloaks attempted to follow suit. Jacelyn tried to rally them but was fatally struck by an arrow. Jaime was inspired by Ironhand when deciding to make the golden hand to cover up his injury.
Whilst being a minor character, he led troops during big moments in King’s Landing, and provided Tyrion with valuable information throughout A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords. Ironhand should be given a model in the future and could be the cavalry Commander missing from the roster. Either way I would love for a Gold Cloaks unit to accompany him when released. You could also argue the same point for Janos Slynt, but he was less prominent in the Commander role than Ironhand.
4 – Mountain Clansmen
The War of the Five Kings began with the capture of Tyrion Lannister. However, Tyrion did not remain captured for long, he escaped thanks to the sellsword Bronn and made the journey to sanctuary on foot through the Vale. During this he encountered the Mountain Clansmen (nomadic inhabitants of the Vale) and convinced them to help him on his quest to safety in promises of better weapons, armour, and gold. These Clans stayed with Tyrion whilst he was Hand of the King and acted as his own personal forces throughout the first few books.
There are many characters we can pick from as there are many Clans and leaders of each. I would say Shagga is the likeliest to get picked up for a model, but any could be brought to the table and hopefully all of them will make it. No matter how they make the table, I would love a new ability called Halfman! Representing their loyalty to Tyrion and the chant they give him.
3 – Stafford Lannister
When the Westerlands marched on the Riverlands two hosts were made. One led by Tywin Lannister and the other by Jaime Lannister. After Jaime’s capture at the Whispering Wood and the defeat at the Battle of the Camps, Stafford starts assembling a third host in the Westerlands feeling safe behind the Goldtooth which would give plenty of warning if the Starks/Tullys began an assault. Stafford needed to train inexperienced soldiers and recruit enough mercenaries before marching and was not ready for an engagement of the Stark force, and thus, he was killed in the Battle of Oxcross. His son Daven Lannister becomes Warden of the West in the fourth book and swears he will not cut his hair until he has vengeance for his father.
Stafford is one of two missing Commanders from the early engagements of the War of the Five Kings. The Battle of Oxcross was an important event, as the defeat of the Lannister forces allowed the Northern forces to run-a-muck uncontested due to the lack of a opposition. This resulted in all the gold mines being taken by Greatjon Umber, the coast raided by Rickard Karstark/Galbart Glover, and the cattle stolen by Maege Mormont. Stafford could have been a large thorn in Robb’s side throughout all of this or given a substantial win for Lannisters finally. I hope CMON does make the character for the game with rules reflecting this.
2 – Lancel Lannister
Lancel Lannister is a very big figure throughout every book. He is responsible for getting Robert Bartheon drunk during a hunting trip that resulted in his demise in A Game of Thrones. He becomes Jaime Lannister’s replacement for Cersei in the bedroom, whilst acting as Tyrion’s spy revealing the Kettlebacks place in the Queen’s life, and he takes Command of some forces in the Battle of the Blackwater where he becomes injured all in A Clash of Kings.
During A Storm of Swords, Lancel is recovering from his wounds and is married to a Frey with Darry blood but not before being considered for Sansa Stark instead. A Feast For Crows sees Lancel begin to fully recover and develop a new-found piety to the Faith of the Seven, he does not fulfil the marriage with the Frey/Darry and becomes one of the Warrior’s Sons. A Dance of Dragons has Lancel being a key witness in arresting Cersei and acts as a puppet of the High Sparrow from there.
Lancel is likely to have multiple versions, one being a pre-wounded state during the Battle of the Blackwater, another perhaps being a wounded variant representing his place in the Riverlands under the Darry seat, and the last being a part of the Faith as a Warrior’s Son.
No matter what way CMON goes with Lancel, they have plenty of content to integrate him to the table.
1 – Amory Lorch
When the game was in its infancy, we had a few Affiliations in the game: Umbers, Reeds, Boltons, and Cleganes. It seemed like having Commanders with Affiliation would be a way to make multiple factions without needing a faction’s worth of new Units to do so. House Lorch seemed like the next logical choice for a Lannister subfaction but this did not happen.
Amory Lorch murdered the Targaryen children of Rhaegar Targaryen alongside The Mountain. It is a big debate whether this was on the orders of Tywin Lannister or of their own accord, and Tywin defends The Mountain attempting to use Amory Lorch as a scapegoat to keep Dorne from declaring war, and The Mountain as a useful tool.
Amory was one for the raider captains sent to burn the Riverlands ahead of Tywin’s forces with The Mountain and Vargo Hoat. He Commanded at least 300 cavalry during this as did each other captain. He is responsible for killing Yoren when he was helping Arya flee from King’s Landing, clashing with the Brotherhood Without Banners under Beric Dondarion, and becoming Castellan of Harrenhal. His sees a fate fitting for his role by being captured and killed by Roose Bolton with the help of the Bloody Mummer’s betrayal.
Amory must be in House Lannister’s future Heroes Boxes due to his role in the story. It would also be a great gateway for a new Affiliation and some new units. Castellan of Harrenhal should be enough of a title to warrant his inclusion in the future.
Lannisters aren’t missing too many big names in this game. There are a more minor characters in the books than any other faction due to how quickly the Lannister characters come and go, especially in A Feast For Crows. We didn’t even speak about some of the later players like Daven or Genna Lannister. There are also the other members of the Kingsguard after some are sent off or killed. Further to this, Kettleblacks and Tyrells could see models due to their mixed allegiances or expand the Faith with some named characters like Theodan the True.
Now that the Clegane Brigands are improved, why not pick up a box to help The Mountain raid the Riverlands whilst waiting for Lorch to be released?
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

“Kevin” Lannister? Really?
What game are you talking about?! There’s like 100 different GOT games how am I supposed to know what you’re talking about when you never mention the name of the game once?