With the indirect nerfs to the Stark Faction in the 2021.02 update, Starks are becoming less prominent in being picked for games. Lannister’s had the same feeling until Heroes Box 3 changed it all with a few Characters, could we see something similar for the Starks? What characters are Starks missing that were crucial to their story and could be big influences on the game?
Current Outlook
Starks currently have quite a diverse set of characters and perhaps the most diverse out of any faction, which makes it very odd that they struggle whilst having some big names missing from their roster. There are several affiliations through Units and respective Charcaters to lead them that make Starks so creative. However, there are still a wedding load of guests not added into the line-up that should be in the game by now. These either flesh out current parts of the faction that is limited like the Umbers, or finally have their leader representing them like the Tullys. I have condensed this pool to my top five most wanted characters with a few simple rules.
Rule 1. Earlier in the books the better – There is nothing worse than narrative players missing a character in favour of one that was introduced in the last book released.
Rule 2. What if scenario – CMON made this game to start right after Robert Baratheon’s death, anything from there is up to the player. When seeing if a character should be brought into the game is to look at the potential of what they could have become.
Rule 3. Big players first – It would please more players to have the characters they know and love make it into the game, and will hurt if they are passed up for a lesser character.
Without a moment’s delay, let’s check out my top 5.
5 – Hoster Tully
I think a lot of people forget about Hoster as he was so quick to perish in the show without any of the added detail that the books included. Edmure took a lot of the lordly duties from Hoster as he could not manage them with the severity of his illness, which by the way was kept secret. However, when the Mountain was setting the Riverlands ablaze, Hoster prevented Edmure from retaliating in combat and had some of his vassals bring the matter to the Iron Throne so that Tywin could not say the counterattack was unprovoked. Remember when Eddard branded Gregor an outlaw and demanded Tywin come to King’s Landing to answer for his bannerman? Those people requesting help were those sent by Hoster.
CMON built the game around the idea of ‘What If?’ after Robert Baratheon’s death. Anything that happened before he died is canon in the game, but everything after is only limited by your creativity. So, could Hoster recover instead of becoming bedridden? Could he have fought through the illness to lead when Edmure was captured? At the very least he would make for a good NCU for the Stark forces.
4 – Theon Greyjoy
Theon fought alongside Robb for a long time in the War of the Five Kings. His decision to turn from the Starks was an important plot point for the character and we should be given the opportunity to run the Ward before this event and even after it with him choosing not to betray Robb.
CMON can use the current Theon model again in a future box for Starks or make one with him garbed in Stark attire to use. They could even make a Commander for Theon as he could lead some Stark forces or perhaps was successful with his capture of Winterfell. The door is open for CMON to do a lot of things here and it is a shame to have him missing from the force.
3 – Galbart Glover
Out of all the Northern Houses, Glover and Manderly are missing. Both have more page time after the Red Wedding so it is excusable that they have not had any dedication yet, but between the two, Glover has more presence in the War of the Five Kings that there should have been some form of addition by now.
Galbart Glover is tasked to raid the Westerlands shorelines with Rickard Karstark, whilst his brother is made captive at Harrenhal. But most of the Glover fight is in the North, Eddard Commands Glover to send 100 archers to Moat Cailin to defend the neck when learning the Lannisters may have been involved in Bran’s accident. This force remained there during the Ironborn invasion, and Asha attacked their ancestral seat of Deepwood Motte resulting in her occupation of the castle and capture of Glover hostages.
Galbart takes more of the center stage early in the books than later when Robertt Glover becomes a focus. Bringing Galbart first with some Glover bowmen would be the ideal way to finally have representation for the prominent house in the Stark army.
2 – Maester Luwin
Maesters are a prominent part of the series in both book and show. Currently they have not been well represented with only four Maesters being in the game and two only recently. Maester Pycelle, Maester Aemon, Wendamyr, and Maester Cressen. Whilst there are other Maesters missing from the game, one in particular is incredibly important early in the books that they should have been brought to the table by now.
Maester Luwin is consistently listened to for advice by the Stark family, not just Bran and Rickon back in Winterfell but by Robb, Catelyn, even Ned. He tries to counsel Theon and teaches the younger children valuable lessons. He is one of the first gut wrenching deaths and it has such an impact on Bran’s story.
Obvious NCU rules for Luwin but I would much appreciate the rules being about Tactics Card or Order management. Luwin’s best asset is the advice and teachings he imparts on everyone he is in contact with. Whilst Starks are not short of high points cost NCUs I wouldn’t be upset if Luwin was high cost if he has great rules.
1 – Edmure Tully
Being the first into the fight and an early addition to the Stark army, the Riverlands have very little representation. No Mallisters or any characters from the most war-torn kingdom. We have multiple Brynden Tully models but no Edmure. He is a very big figure in the story and his victories/mistakes shape a lot of outcomes of the war, he deserves a model or two by now.
I have wondered whether the Riverlands should be split into their own faction, as well as the Reach. Do something like the Stormcrows where you can field the Tullys in both forces with alternate cards. However, any vassals to Tully should remain Riverlands only and the Tactics Deck will show the differences between the two kingdoms added some much-needed flavour to the river forces.
So, what better way to make the new faction than with Commander Edmure Tully in a starter box? You could make a few versions as well, an heir version, a Lord version, maybe NCU that is about taking one for the team in the marriage with the Freys. Edmure doesn’t just need a model, but all the Tully stuff need updating, there is nothing Tully about the Cavaliers who are only good because of a lance.
Starks are missing some very big names in this game that a single Heroes Box is unlikely to solve. To be fair though, there are a lot of Stark characters in the books and almost all have a part to play. We didn’t even speak about some of the later players from the existing houses in the game like Crowfood Umber or Alys Karstark.
We know Boltons are getting a lot of love soon so best pick up some of the other Northern Houses before they hit the shelves.
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