The Queenmaker plot is at hand! Arianne Martell seeks to sit Myrcella on the Iron Throne, provoking Cersei, and the Lannister forces to war with Dorne, the true desire of Arianne. Backed by the Sand Snakes from Heroes Box 1, she does have other players in this game that arrive in the new Heroes Box 2. From Daynes to voracious outcasts, this crew of delinquents plan to undermine Doran before Areo Hotah can cut them down. Who is a part of this plot?
Asmodee Spain released information about the Boltons alongside the Heroes Box 2 for the Martells. However, a few hours later these box sets have been taken down from the site and are redacted. However Ser Pounce the Cat is out of the bag and there is no getting them back in.
Arianne Martell, Quentyn Martell, Edric Dayne, Gerold Dayne, Arys Oakheart and Daemon Sand – 7 Attachment Cards, 2 NCUs, 12 Tactics Cards.
Description – In the unbearable heat and harshness of the deserts and wastelands of the southern lands of Westeros, House Martell waits patiently like a crouching viper, watching and assessing the movements of the Game of Thrones until it finds the optimum moment to strike. In this regard, Arianne and Quentyn Martell strive to achieve the goals of their house with the endurance of a snake prepared for a long hunt. The House of Dayne, on the other hand, of which Edric Dayne is the lord, has pledged to do everything in its power to see a Martell on the Iron Throne. With commanders as capable as Arys Oakheart. Gerold Dayne and Daemon Sand certainly promise many more victories for House Martell.
Arianne Martell
Arianne is the daughter of Doran Martell, and because of Dorne’s customs, the heir of Sunspear. Arianne is calculating, adventurous, and fierce tempered. When she sees something, she desires, she strives to obtain it at all cost. She successfully manipulates Arys Oakheart to break his vows and has the Sand Snakes obey her orders.
“Do you see the white star, Quentyn? That is Nymeria’s star, burning bright, and that milky band behind her, those are ten thousand ships. She burned as bright as any man, and so shall I. You will not rob me of my birthright!” – Arianne Martell
Arianne Martell could be a Commander for the same reasons that Doran Martell is a Commander. She orchestrates a plot to make Myrcella Baratheon the Queen which will enact revenge for Oberyn’s death on the Lannisters that remain. However, it is likely she will just be a NCU, but a potent one at that for her almost successful plot and manipulation of the Kingsguard. Her model is obviously number 4.
Quentyn Martell
Quentyn is the second child and eldest son of Doran Martell. Quentyn looks like his father, Doran. Quentyn is short-legged and stocky, thickly built and does not smile easily. He is cautious by nature and filled with doubts, fears, and insecurities. Although not the heir to Sunspear, Quentyn is charged with fulfilling the Marriage Pact between Dorne and the exiled Targaryens. This was supposed to be Arianne marrying Viserys, however with the Targaryen’s death the only way to fulfil this would be to marry Quentyn and Daenerys, thus his story is to travel to Meereen to complete this duty.
A good point to note is that Quentyn is not popular in Dorne, this has nothing to do with him as a person, more that he spent a long time with the Yronwoods that he considers a lot of the House, his family from siblings to father figures. I feel like we will see the Yronwoods at some point as they are important to Quentyn.
“Dorne will be yours. You have my word on that if my word still has any meaning for you. Your brother Quentyn has a harder road to walk.” – Doran Martell to Arianne Martell
Could Quentyn be a Commander in this box? It is plausible that this could happen since he is the leader of his quest to Essos but with some of the other characters in the box, I do find it less likely. I do however believe he could be a NCU since most of his task was a diplomatic mission. Anything is possible in this instance. The model is up for debate, none of these models make me think of Quentyn Martell. When consulting the artwork, it seems like he is the 5th model which might lend itself to being a Commander as it looks built for combat not diplomacy.
Edric Dayne
This is bizarre. The description reads that House Dayne has pledged to do everything in its power to see a Martell on the Iron Throne. This is never mentioned anywhere and the only Dayne that takes any role in the plots of Dorne is Darkstar. Edric Dayne is mentioned here as he is a big character but not in Dorne.
Edric Dayne is the squire of Lord Beric Dondarion and remains with him throughout most of the Brotherhood’s adventures. He meets with Arya and speaks a lot about Eddard Stark, it is clear he idolises Ned even going by his nickname whilst in the Brotherhood. Edric gives crucial information to the reader and Arya about Jon Snow. He explains that he and Jon shared a Wet Nurse when they were babies, this wet nurse is called Wylla which Edric sort of panics and swears that she is Jon’s mother. Arya may bring this information up later when reuniting with Jon to help figure out his lineage.
Edric leaves the Brotherhood after Beric’s final death as he does not wish to follow Lady Stoneheart.
His inclusion here feels like a shoe horned character to fill out the box rather than something legitimately from the books. The artwork indicates he is present during Arianne’s plots, but he is quite far away from it all. If CMON has decided to use their creative license when creating this character, then he could be a Commander due to being Lord of Starfall, or an NCU. If we follow the books, Attachment is the best theory like other squire Attachments like Farring for Stannis. But in my opinion, he should be a Neutral character for the Brotherhood. His model is number 3.
Gerold Dayne
Gerold Dayne is known as Darkstar and is often considered perhaps as good a swordsman as Arthur Dayne. He is a Knight of High Hermitage and is a House that branches from House Dayne. He has dark purple eyes, and a collar-length thick silver hair, divided by a streak of midnight black. Despite his valour he is a cruel person, and jealous of his cousin Arthur Dayne. He is currently a fugitive after trying to kill Myrcella Baratheon and helping the Queenmaker plot. He is often considered to be one of the most dangerous people in Dorne.
“You were a fool to make him part of this. Darkstar is the most dangerous man in Dorne. You and he have done us all great harm.” – Doran Martell to Arianne Martell
Darkstar could be a Commander for the same reasons Edric could be, he is a prominent figure for the Daynes in the story, however he is a solo fugitive as far as we know so isn’t leading any forces. I think it would be weird to include some Starfall Units, then Characters, without bringing a Commander for them. Darkstar could be a high-cost Attachment however sporting Expert Duelist for sure. His model is the 6th model on the far right.
Arys Oakheart
Arys Oakheart already has a role in the Lannister faction, but now he takes his place in the Martells. He was sent to Dorne to defend Myrcella Baratheon. He ended up becoming Arianne’s lover and breaking his oaths to follow her and the plots she devises. Arys eventually dies to Areo Hotah in a quick clash after being wounded by crossbow bolts. His death haunts Arianne still.
“You will not take her whilst I still draw breath.” – Arys to Areo Hotah
I do not see Arys being anything other than an Attachment in this instance. No Dornish force would follow him due to their hatred of the Lannisters even before Oberyn’s death. His whole role is to defend Myrcella so I imagine he will have defensive capabilities or counterattacking rules such as Sentinel.
Daemon Sand
Otherwise known as the Bastard of Godsgrace, Daemon Sand is the son of Ryon Allyrion who is the heir of House Allyrion. Daemon is the squire of Oberyn and attends him when he travels to King’s Landing, he is the one to swiftly inform the Sand Snakes by letter of Oberyn’s death and demands their release when imprisoned by Doran. In the next book we know he will travel with Arianne to see if Aegon is real and even beat her in cyvasse. They have history together being the first lover of Arianne and even asking for her hand to Doran. Daemon is tall, handsome and is known to be gallant on horseback.
I do not think Daemon will be a Commander or NCU, rather an Attachment. He is the first model on the far left as this matches his description the most, however he could be the second model. One of these two is Daemon, the other is Arys Oakheart.
Martells will soon arrive to the Frontline Gaming Webstore but in the meantime why not pick up some Golden Company Swordsman for Arianne to investigate just like from the books?
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