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10th Ed Previews- Weapon Rules

Hi all,

We have an early Warhammer Community article out today that answers a lot of lingering questions about 10th ed. We finally get to see more detail on how weapons work and some of the new USRs!

One of the first items previewed is the bolt rifle. One of the big changes here is that it has both keywords allowing it to get a bonus to hit if the user remained stationary. This is big, as the article also mentions that all Primaris rifles are now just bolt rifles greatly reducing complexity.

Another new feature of 10th is the idea of a Critical Wound: Any unmodified wound roll of a “6”. What this allows thyme to do is start adding in special abilities that trigger on these values cutting down on duplicate language. Check out these weapons and how they get different abilities on a Critical Wound:

With the vehicle reveals yesterday I think there is a lot of curiosity to see how melta has been adapted to meet the challenge.

So it looks very similar to 9th edition although meltas will struggle against some vehicles given their new toughness of 9+. Lastly we also see that twin-linked is changing:

The umber of attacks are going down and twin-linked is now getting a new role of providing re-rolls to wound (like lightening claws). I also like that you can twin-link melee weapons now which provides additional areas to explore in the rules.

Overall I am pretty happy with these rumors. The reduction in unnecessary complexity and trimming back attacks from twin-linked weapons is a good move. This game should play a lot faster if every unit doesn’t have a bajillion attacks. It also adds a lot of re-rolls back into the game so we shall see if that has an impact.

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